Reality Check: Jeff Johnson's Ad Calls Gov. Dayton 'Unaware'

ST. PAUL (WCCO) -- A tough new television ad from Republican governor candidate Jeff Johnson is raising eyebrows -- and a few tempers.

The ad takes some tough shots at Gov. Mark Dayton and, unexpectedly, the owners of the Minnesota Vikings.

It's classic political mudslinging, but there is some truth to it, as it counts down the missteps of a Governor who Johnson says is "incompetent" and who the new ad calls "unaware."

"Unaware of bonuses for his failed Obamacare bureaucrats," says the ad, as the words "Unaware Mark Dayton" appear on the screen. "Not even knowing what's in the bills he signed."

The ad accurately quotes Dayton saying he was unaware of MNsure bonuses, unaware of a farm equipment tax in a 2013 tax bill and unaware that personal seat licenses were included in the Vikings stadium bill.

But the ad strays from the truth when it smears Dayton and team owners Mark and Zygi Wilf, linking the Vikings stadium deal and the Wilf's legal troubles.

"Half a billion taxpayer dollars to the Wilfs after they committed civil fraud and racketeering," says the ad, with grainy black and white video of Dayton and Vikings team owner Zygi Wilf.

That's at least MISLEADING and borders on false.

Approximately $500 million is the amount taxpayers forked over to build the $1 billion stadium after the Minnesota legislature passed and Dayton signed the bill into law. The Wilfs put up the other $500 million.

They are appealing an unrelated New Jersey real estate civil fraud and civil racketeering conviction that came after the stadium was approved.

Dayton did not award $26,000 in bonuses to MNsure executives: he opposed the bonuses, which were awarded by the MNsure executive director who later resigned under pressure.

Around 140,000 Minnesotans did not "lose" insurance coverage; the new health care law required insurance companies to offer better policies, sometimes at higher prices.

And the "lavish" Senate Office Building? Dayton agrees with the ad. He called early designs "un-Minnesotan". Nevertheless, he signed the bill that allowed construction to begin.

The Minnesota Vikings strongly objected to the use of their team owners in the Johnson ad.

"We're extremely disappointed that Jeff Johnson would stoop to this level," said Vikings Vice President Lester Bagley. "The ad is reckless. The Wilfs have made substantial contributions to this community and this state. What Jeff Johnson has done is not consistent with Minnesota values."

A spokesman from Dayton campaign Linden Zakula said, "It's not surprising to see a desperate attack from a candidate so far behind. Commissioner Johnson offers no real ideas to improve education, create jobs, or help Minnesota families. It's easy for Commissioner Johnson to be against everything when he, himself, proposes nothing."

Reality Check Sources
Johnson Ad Video
Johnson Ad Text:
"Unaware of bonuses for his failed Obamacare bureaucrats
Not even knowing what's in the bills he signed
Half-a billion taxpayer dollars to the Wilfs after they committed civil fraud and racketeering.
'I was not aware at all'
What is Mark Dayton aware of?
Minnesotans deserve an engaged governor who knows what's going on and what's in the bills he signs. I'll be a 24-7 leader who owns his decisions. The buck stops with me.
Jeff Johnson for Governor"

Dayton Not Aware Of Farm Tax | Personal Seat Licenses | Wilf Legal Troubles When Stadium Passed | Canceled Insurance Policies | MNsure Bonuses
Gov. Dayton, Wilfs Legal Problems
Senate Office Building
MN Jobs Coalition Affordable Care Act and Gov. Dayton
Jeff Johnson For Governor

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