New Prague school bus plows through corn field, driver hospitalized

Minnesota school bus full of students goes off-road

NEW PRAGUE, Minn. — Dozens of Minnesota students took a terrifying turn this week when their school bus suddenly left the road and plowed its way through a field.

About 50 kids from New Prague were on the bus on their way to school Monday morning, including Rylan Neisius, a sophomore.

"I just feel us swerving and we're going straight down into the ditch," Neisius said. "Everybody was just screaming like what was going on?"

The bus ended up at least 30 yards into a cornfield.

No students were seriously hurt.

Neisius says the driver hadn't seemed her normal, joyful self.

"What I overheard from some of the people sitting up front is she passed out and then woke up as we were going into the ditch," he said.

Rebecca Ausmus's teenage son called her immediately.

"I heard the driver [on the phone] apologize to the kids and say she thought everything would've been fine, but she probably shouldn't have driven," Ausmus said.

The Scott County Sheriff's Office says alcohol or drugs are not believed to be a factor in the incident.

The driver was taken to the hospital.

"We would never knowingly put anyone in front of students, whether in a classroom or transporting students to and from school or activities, that didn't meet the standards that we apply, that the state applies," said Andy Vollmuth, New Prague Area Schools Superintendent. "We do our best to make sure everyone is safe at all times."

Ausmus says she has friends who are drivers in other districts, and they tell her staffing shortages can make it difficult to call out sick.

"I don't know what transpired prior to getting on the bus but I think bus drivers should be under less pressure and should have the opportunity to say, 'I'm not coming in today,'" she said.

Jen Kortie, Neisius's mother, believes the district should consider raising the hiring standards of drivers.

"I need to know that all of our bus drivers are driving these kids around safely," she said.

The Scott County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident.

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