Minnesota Landscape Arboretum's osprey cam shows new chick

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum's osprey cam shows new chick

MINNEAPOLIS -- First we had the Department of Natural Resources' eagle cam. Now, take a look at Osprey cam.

An osprey chick is in a nest at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Nest watchers noticed last week the chick had been blown out during a storm.

Staff took the little osprey to the Raptor Center for a check up. Then they were able to get the chick safely back into the nest.

Osprey are raptors known as "fish hawks."

The mother osprey will be headed south any time now, leaving the father to catch fish and teach the young osprey to fly. He and the chick will stay until October, then begin their migration south. 

For a live look at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum's osprey cam, click here.  

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