Minneapolis, St. Paul police departments using different tactics to recruit

Minneapolis, St. Paul police departments using different tactics to recruit

MINNEAPOLIS – Minnesota's two biggest police departments are trying to find its next officers to serve the community.

Minneapolis and St. Paul are using different tactics to gain interest at a time when applications are down across the country. One is leaning into technology, while the other is leaning on the community.

The Minneapolis Police Department needs more officers. It was left depleted following the murder of George Floyd and subsequent riots, and it's actively recruiting.

"Our hiring plan is going to last many years, obviously. We're trying to rebuild a department that suffered a substantial loss," Cmdr. Grant Snyder said.

Snyder says they hold events around the state and country.

"The people that tend to do best in this job are mature. They're people that have great personal character, and with that comes this passion for community service," Snyder said.

And it's taking a new direction, relying on community partners.

"We're bringing along people from the community to sort of help address concerns that people might have, and stand there with us shoulder to shoulder ," Snyder said.

So how does MPD find people who want to be part of the department at this time?  


"They know that we're not defined by things from the past," Snyder said. "It's a great time to come on, you know, because they're really gonna be a part in building the new MPD."

The St. Paul Police Department is taking another approach with the help of technology.

"One of the things we realized we need to do better is talk about all the different things that we do," Deputy Chief Troy Greene said.

Greene says in less than three minutes, a drone video highlights the opportunities offered.

"Our motto, right, for our recruitment is 'Be you, with us,'" Greene said.

And he says it gives officers and others a tool to recruit for their own department. 

"We want somebody that wants to help people, right. We want somebody that wants to work side by side with our community," Greene said.

Minneapolis needs at least 200 more officers to get to the minimum for staffing. The deadline to apply is Dec. 26

St. Paul is authorized to hire about 60 more. The deadline to apply there is Dec. 23.

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