Mild Winter Season Good News For Some Minnesota Parks

PLYMOUTH, Minn. (WCCO) -- The 2019-2020 winter season has been one of the better seasons for French Regional Park in Plymouth, compared to the last five years.

With mild temperatures, and consistent snow, the park has been able to stay open with natural snow since Nov. 27.

"Trails have been very good, skiers have been very happy, and we've seen a lot of new and returning skiers coming back to the park," Dan Fjell, facility supervisor at French Regional Park, said.

The park says its mission is all about providing space for families and Minnesotans to enjoy the outdoors in an affordable way. And with winters like this one, it sees more and more first-time cross country skiers wanting to try a new sport.

Steve and Nan Brown fit that category. They came out to French Regional Park to learn how to ski from their good friends, Doug and Bobbie McMonagle.

"We've lived in Minnesota for almost 40 years. We are from Iowa, no winter sports to speak of, and we wanted something to do outside besides walk the dog in the winter," Nan Brown said.

Before they headed out, the McMonagles planed around the weather.

"We did look at the weather report. On Wednesday and Thursday we were just happy to see it breaking on Saturday. Otherwise we probably wouldn't be out here," McMonagle said.

The Three Rivers Park District is hosting a Free Play Snow Day, where you can rent cross country skies, snow shoes, and sleds for free on February 29th. For more information, click here.

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