Doctors warn of an uptick in RSV, flu cases ahead of Thanksgiving holiday

Doctors warn RSV cases are on the rise as the holidays approach

WEST ST. PAUL, Minn. — RSV and influenza cases are on the rise, just ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Doctors at Children's Minnesota Clinic in West St. Paul say there's a surge in RSV cases. Luckily, compared to last year, cases are down significantly. The illness is peaking later than last year when case rates were three times more prevalent.

Dr. Liz Placzek says there are simple things families can do to lower their risk of getting sick or spreading it to loved ones this holiday season. It's all about going back to basics. Wash your hands and cover your cough. If you're visiting someone who is at high risk for COVID-19, consider doing a test at home beforehand. If you're feeling sick stay home. And lastly, get vaccinated because it's not too late 

"It's not too late to get vaccinated it defines isn't we are just starting to see these numbers increase so you can definitely get protected for the worse of the season," she said. "Ideally you get vaccinated about two weeks before an event so maybe not for Thanksgiving but still get it this week you'll be protected for most of December." 

Placzek says to be on the lookout for the following symptoms: fever, cough, runny nose and a sore throat.

If you have RSV you're typically contagious for three to eight days.

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