Deep winter freeze creates issues for life-saving drug Narcan

Cold snap causing Narcan to freeze

MINNEAPOLIS — This deep winter freeze we are experiencing is not good for the life-saving drug naloxone, or Narcan, used to reverse the affects of an opioid overdose.

But Narcan can freeze, making it impossible to administer.

Opioid overdose is a growing problem across the Twin Cities. Especially in poor neighborhoods and homeless encampments, there is a huge need for Narcan.

"As fentanyl has grown in popularity, the rate of overdose increased significantly," said Jordan Abhold. "Lots of folks need help with substance abuse disorder."

Abhold leads the opioid and harm reduction team at Neighborhood Health Source.

One of its partners stocks harm reduction stations, where people in areas where overdoses happen often can access life-saving Narcan.

RELATED: "Little Free Reviveries" now offering on-demand emergency Narcan doses

On days like Thursday, recovery experts worry about Narcan freezing.

"It will start freezing around 32 degrees because a majority of the solution is actually water," Abhold said.

Abhold says 5 degrees is where Narcan freezes solid, making it impossible to adminsiter.

"The best thing to do, I think, is to stick it in your armpit as close to the skin as you can, or near some large blood vessels, either in your armpit or groin," Abhold said.

Besides giving out information on how to unfreeze Narcan, Abhold and members of his harm reduction team carry Narcan to help keep it warm until it is needed to save a life.

"The more extreme the temperatures are and the more repeated extremes that the Narcan experiences, the less efficiency it has," Abhold said.

Abhold would love to see warm places to get the antidote.

"Whether it be like a box outside that is heated somehow, or someway insulated to keep them from freezing or just have them be available in a warm place," Abhold said.

Until then they will hand deliver Narcan to make sure it is ready to go when needed.

Peer recovery counselors visit encampments twice a week to make sure fresh antidote and warm clothes are available to prevent it from freezing.

Some Narcan is still affective 28 days after a freezing event, but if it happens over and over, it does lose some of it effectiveness.

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