'It's A Big Fat Con-Job': Trump Defends Kavanaugh As More Accusers Surface

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) -- The Senate Judiciary Committee will question Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the woman accusing him of sexual assault on Thursday morning.

Christine Blasey Ford said Kavanaugh attempted to sexually assault her at a high school party. Since then, two more women have come forward with abuse allegations.

Deborah Ramirez says Kavanaugh exposed himself to her. Julie Swetnick says Kavanaugh was present while she was gang raped. Ramirez and Swetnick will not be testifying Thursday. Kavanaugh denies all of the allegations.

At a press conference Wednesday, President Donald Trump fielded several questions regarding the hearing. He said he is willing to listen to both sides in this case Thursday, but he said at the press conference that the accusations against his Supreme Court pick are false. He then called Democrats "con artists" who are trying to destroy Kavanaugh's reputation.

"This is one of the highest quality people that I've ever met," Trump said. "And they know it's a big fat con-job. And they go into a room and I guarantee you they laugh like hell."

Testifying against Kavanaugh is Dr. Ford. In her opening statement for the hearing, she said a drunken Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in a locked room at a high school party in 1982. She said she tried to tell for help, but that he put his hand over her mouth.

At 15 years old, she was too afraid and ashamed to tell anyone. In the statement, she said it was not until 2012 that she told the story to her husband, therapists and later on close friends.

When she learned Kavanaugh was picked for the Supreme Court, she contacted her local congresswoman and the Washington Post.

Despite his resounding support of Kavanaugh, President Trump said it is possible he could withdraw the nomination based on what he hears when both sides testify -- setting the stage for what he calls a pivotal moment in United States history.

"If I thought he was guilty of something like this, yeah sure," he said. "I'm going to see what happens tomorrow. I'm going to be watching, believe it or not."

Kavanaugh's opening statement was also released with him continuing to deny the allegations and saying he would not be intimidated into withdrawing.

The hearing starts Thursday at 9 a.m., and will possibly last until the afternoon.

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