Twelfth GOP Debate Takes More Presidential Tone

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MIAMI (CBSMiami) – With a handshake at the beginning, the last GOP debate before Tuesday's Florida primary began.

The candidates appeared more presidential and less like schoolyard bullies.

"We're all in this together. We will come up with solution," GOP front-runner Donald Trump said. "I can't believe how civil it's been up here

Leaving the insults and personal attacks out, the candidates talked issues, spirited at times, but laying out their plans.

A hot topic: Fighting terrorism.

"We can't water board, they chop off heads, they drown people. We have to expand laws to fight on equal footing," Trump said.

"If terrorists are caught, they will go to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, will not have right to remain silent," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said. "Not a single change, except government has more money."

"On the topic of Cuba, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz have both been talking about their Cuban backgrounds on the campaign trail. And each talk tough against the president's upcoming visit to the island," said Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

And Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said he would break relations with Cuba.

And during the debate, Trump confirmed he and former candidate Dr. Ben Carson will work together.

"Ben Carson, talked to him for hours. He will endorse me tomorrow. I'm going to have Ben very much involved with education," Trump said.

While in the spin room, CBS4's Sutta asked Trump if Carson's endorsement will make a big difference in the primary.

"That is going to be very exciting. Nine o'clock at Mar-a-Largo, and Ben is somebody that's special," he replied.

But it's Rubio who needs all the help he can get in his home state.

One of his campaign aides is confident the young senator's debate performance catapulted him.

"We feel it was a great night for Marco Rubio. He was very presidential tonight. He focused on the issues," Alex Burgos said. "He made sharp contrasts on substance, on policy, on everything from Cuba, on standing with Israel and our allies, on VA reform, things he has accomplished, things where he has channeled the anger that exists in this country and some real tangible solid accomplishments that benefit Florida and the American people."

Sutta then asked Burgos if he thinks Rubio's performance will help him against Donald Trump in Florida's primary on March 15th.

"Yeah, I don't think there is any question that people voting on substance, people voting on issues, people voting for their future will stand with Marco Rubio," he said.

Florida Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera said Rubio had a performance that will stick in the minds of voters.

"Well, I think the citizens of this country and the voters of Florida saw tonight the same Marco Rubio that they elected to the United States Senate in 2010. He reminded them tonight why he should be the president of the United States." said Lopez-Cantera. "He had the clearest and most detailed answers on the issues that are important to Floridians and Americans – veterans, ISIS, Israel, Cuba, Venezuela."

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