Trump Returns From Controversial Asia Trip With Focus On Tax Reform

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WASHINGTON (CBSMiami) – President Trump has wrapped up his twelve-day trip to Asia.

His primary goals were securing better US trade deals and building support in helping to reign in North Korea's nuclear ambitions.

Here in the US though, the tour may be remembered more for what happened during an unscheduled meeting with Russia's Vladimir Putin and a tweet the president aimed at North Korean leader Kim Jong un.

Air Force One has taken off from Manila, wrapping up the president's longest overseas trip yet.

His last stop in Asia - a summit on regional security.

Mr. Trump says he returns home having accomplished much for American manufacturers, tweeting in part:

"All countries dealing with us on trade know the rules have changed."

Throughout his visit to Asia, the president pushed several times for fairer trade deals.

"We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore," Trump said.

The president also expressed interest in reaching a "deal" with North Korea.

Though, engaged in yet another war of words with Kim Jong Un, this weekend tweeting in part:

"Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me "old," when I would NEVER call him "short and fat?"

In Vietnam, Mr. Trump said he believes Russian president Vladimir Putin is insulted by lingering questions about election meddling.

He called the matter a "artificial Democratic hit job."

President Trump wrapped up his trip in the Philippines with what was perhaps his most controversial stop.

He met with Rodrigo Duterte, this country's strongman leader accused of killing thousands in a war on drugs.

The White House says human rights came up briefly during their chat but Duterte's spokesman shrugged that off.

The president now heads home and head first into the Congressional debate over tax reform.

Trump says he will make a major announcement when he returns home. The timing of that announcement has not yet been set.

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