Strict enforcement credited for smooth sailing during Miami Beach Spring Break 2024

Strict enforcement credited with smooth sailing during Miami Beach Spring Break 2024
Strict enforcement credited with smooth sailing during Miami Beach Spring Break 2024

MIAMI BEACH — It's been smooth sailing in South Beach for spring breakers, thanks to the city's strict enforcement this year.

"The laws y'all put up and stuff, you scared everybody away ain't gonna lie to you," said King Cid.

The City of Miami Beach, beefing up its police presence and implementing parking and towing rules, along with DUI checkpoints.

This comes after two people were shot and killed in South Beach last year during spring break.

"It was chaotic, it was complete disorder," said Miami Beach City Commissioner David Suarez.

Commissioner Suarez says last year's spring break tarnished the city's reputation and says city leaders are working to change how the city is perceived.

"It's just these two weeks in March that unfortunately have tarnished our brand," said Suarez.

The city's now-viral breaking up with the spring break campaign appears to be effective — so far.

But, we still have to get through what's expected to be the busiest weekend so far.

"It is a big test, it's a bit of an unknown but based on the last couple of weeks, things have been quieter. I think we're going to be okay. We have robust measures in place but we're ready, we have law enforcement out there and I think we're going to have a good weekend," said Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner.

Despite the new rules and enhanced security this year, a lot of visitors say they're still loving their time in beautiful South Beach.

"It's not as rowdy but we're still having fun, we're having a blast and I pretty much see the same thing for everybody else," said Jazhaia Watkins.

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