Single mom of 3 hoping to overcome struggles that began with flooding in 2023

Single mom of 3 affected by South Florida flooding, hoping to overcome struggles

HOLLYWOOD - A single mother of three is working hard to navigate raising three young children but it hasn't been easy and recently she has hit some pretty big roadblocks.

Maya was living out of a motel and making deliveries until she found herself in the middle of a flooded road in April 2023.

"I saw that the rain, it just kept coming," Maya said.

Maya was in the car with her children in Hollywood when suddenly they found themselves trapped in rising waters.

"The water came in the car. I was trying to get the kids out. We put the two oldest kids on the roof," she said.

She grabbed her youngest and got out, hoping to come back for the two others.

"The other kids were crying. He was crying," she said.

They all made it out safely but her car was a total loss.

As they stood in the rain, Dori Lynn Neuwirth heard the kids crying and rushed out to help.

"I just thought well let me invite them in so they can dry off," Neuwirth said.

What Neuwirth thought would be a few hours turned into a sleepover and it was that night she learned Maya had lost much more than just her car.

"My main concern was having shelter," Maya said.

At the time Maya and the kids were living in a motel.

She used her car to make deliveries for work but now had no way to support her family.

"It was hard for me because I have so much pride. I would never ask anyone for help," Maya said.

Neuwirth knew she had to help.

"God literally put them maybe not on my doorstep but in my parking lot," Neuwirth said.

Through Neighbors 4 Neighbors and other organizations Neuwirth found Maya a place to live and got her a car.

"The water for me was a sign for a new beginning. I feel like everything happened because they were just what I needed," Maya said.

But just weeks ago another setback. The donated car broke down.

"I ask myself what did I do wrong," Maya said in tears.  

Maya is in need again and hoping to get a second chance to start over. Something Neuwirth says she more than deserves.

"When I see the kids and how good the kids are and how brave they all are as a family the love that's there," Neuwirth said.

Maya needs he;[ to get back to work.

She needs a new car and also a job that is flexible because of her children's needs.

"My journey is still, it's pretty much just getting started," Maya said.

If you would like to help or know someone who can, you can reach out to Neighbors 4 Neighbors.

You can call them at 305-597-4404 or send them an email at

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