Security guard killed in CityPlace Doral shooting awarded posthumous college diploma

Doral security guard killed in Martini Bar shooting awarded posthumous college diploma

MIAMI - A day full of emotion as the family of George Castellanos accepted his posthumous college diploma from Florida International University. Castellanos was the security guard who was shot and killed while breaking up a fight at the Martini Bar in CityPlace Doral earlier this month.

George's family, including his mom, dad, and one-year-old daughter were there to celebrate his hard work. A head of FIU's Commencement on Sunday, the family got a private graduation ceremony in George's honor. His young daughter was adorned with her own graduation cap for the occasion.

"I'm pretty sure he's an example of many kids, you know, hardworking, going to school, taking care of his daughter, and it's a legacy he's an example for other students to achieve, anything can be done, even though he had a daughter and was a really hard worker," said his mother.

Castellano received a Bachelor of Arts degree in interdisciplinary studies. He was just weeks shy of receiving the diploma himself when he was killed.

George's parents were filled with pride over their son's accomplishments, but heartbroken that he was not able to walk across the stage.

"I feel destroyed because this was supposed to be a day to celebrate and to start living his life with his daughter and with us," said his dad.

Through their pain the Castellanos are thankful for the support they have received, and hope others are inspired by his life.

George will also be given an FIU police badge as he hoped one day to be a police officer. 

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