Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe Joe Biden Will Be Somewhat Successful In Restoring Civility

MIAMI (CBSMiami) - Joe Biden will take the oath of office to become our 46th President at a time of great division in the United States.

A recent survey by Georgetown University's Institute of Politics and Public Service found that 82 percent of Americans believe racial, political, and class divisions are getting worse.

But the survey found some measure of optimism.

Fifty-six percent believe Biden will be at least somewhat successful restoring civility and 63 percent believe he and Congress will be at least somewhat successful working together.


CBS4's Jim DeFede spoke to Mo Elleithee, the Executive Director of the Institute at Georgetown, about the challenges facing Biden.

"People believe that right now it's as bad as it's ever been and understandably so. Four years of a hyper-polarized political environment, an increasingly polarized news environment, they saw in the past six, seven months violence in the streets from last summer and violence at the Capitol from a couple of weeks ago. People believe that we are as polarized as we've ever been. But when you ask them where do you think we will be a year from now, they're optimistic, maybe it's hopeful, but they believe that it will get better and I think that's something, that's a good starting point for us," said Elleithee.

In another part of the poll, 88 percent said compromise and common ground should be something that government and political leaders should work towards.

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