Police: 6-Year-Old, 12-Year-Old Threw Rocks And Waved Gun At Adults

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ATLANTA, GA (CBS Local) - Police in Atlanta are looking for two children who allegedly chased a group of adults away from a local hiking trail. The incident was made even more disturbing after victims told officers the youngsters pelted them with rocks and waved a handgun at them.

According to authorities, a 6-year-old and 12-year-old approached a group of adults who were sitting in the Atlanta BeltLine on May 20. The group was reportedly using some public swings in the hiking area's Adair Park when the children began to throw "baseball-sized rocks" and struck two people.

Officers added that the kids then chased the fleeing adults for about 200 yards while waving a gun at the group. "They've got guns and they use them kind of regularly," Angel Poventud, one of the builders of Adair Park, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Atlanta Police added that this isn't the first violent crime they believe was carried out by a young child in the area. Authorities said a group of armed children, some as young as 10-years-old, have been connected to a string of carjackings in Adair Park.

The two children police are searching for were reportedly caught on surveillance video, however their faces were covered during the attack.

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