Delivery Man Shaken Up Over Killing Would-Be Robber

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HOLLYWOOD (CBSMiami) - A pizza delivery driver shot and killed a would-be robber in Hollywood early Wednesday morning.

By the evening, 24-year old Slayde Henry was still shaken up about the whole situation, his family said. He's only been a delivery driver at Dominos for about three months.

The shooting happened outside the Domino's on Hollywood Boulevard at North 58th Avenue just before 1 a.m. Henry had just returned from a delivery when two masked men ambushed him in the parking lot and tried to rob him. Henry pulled a gun and shot, and killed, one of them.

"In response to two armed males coming up to him, he reacted and shot at one of the suspects," said police spokeswoman Officer Meredith Elrich.

"Ba, ba, ba, ba like 6 or 8 something like that," said Lorenzo Moretti who was hanging out across the street with his buddies.

"I see the man take the gun and shot six, six times on the other person and the other person is in the street and dies," said Andres Pinzon who lives across the street from Domino's. "I listen the shots very strong.  And I say, 'this is a gun.  This is a gun. This is no other thing.  It's a gun.'"

Pinzon later continued, "I see the man is face down in the floor and don't move.  And the man that shot called the police and the police come in two, three minutes and touched the man and said the man is dead."

It's not clear if the masked men fired back.

The second robbery suspect ran away. It's not clear if he was wounded or not.

"It's horrible. He's out here trying to make an honest buck and somebody tries to rob him. Fortunately he was strapped. He was ready to go," said Anthony Pascale.

Henry's coworker Daniel Tymecki was shocked to hear he had a gun but glad he did because his quick action potentially saved his life.

"Obviously his life was threatened or he felt that it was threatened.  It's kinda sad really that he had to do that. Especially since he has a family," said Tymecki.

Miguel Nieves said his girlfriend's daughter works at the Domino's and was walking out the door when the attack happened. He said he feels fortunate that Henry was able to fight back.

"She was shaken up at how it happened," he said. "I'm glad he was armed. I'm glad he was able to protect them because it could have been worse."

Pinzon also works at a restaurant five doors down.  He says this is a wake-up call, making him think twice now when leaving work and crossing the street home.

"Very scary because obviously never seen that past (happened) these things here.  And I think Hollywood Blvd is nice to live and these things, it's difficult to assimilate this," said Pinzon.

Police set up a large perimeter in the area but were not able to find the second subject.

Officers are still investigating the incident but it appears the shooting was in self-defense.

Anyone with information about the second suspect who got away  is urged to call Broward County Crimestoppers at (954) 493- TIPS.

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