Palm Beach Trump Supporters Cheer Him On As He Arrives For Thanksgiving

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PALM BEACH (CBSMiami) – President-elect Donald Trump arrived at Palm Beach International Airport on Tuesday night prepared to spend some time at his Palm Beach mansion for Thanksgiving.

As his motorcade made the short trip to Mar-A-Lago, his supporters eagerly cheered him on.

Paula Prudente says she's part of a group called Citizens for Trump.

"Trump supports the American people. He wants to make America first," she said.

Gerome Chavis said he wants to see Trump enact real change on fiscal policy.

"More than anything, tax reform. I'd like to keep more of my hand earned cash. That's what I'd like to do," he said.

On Tuesday, the President-elect met with reporters and editors from The New York Times. It's where everyone learned more about his feelings on a number of issues.

While on the campaign trail, Trump threatened to put Hillary Clinton in jail.

But on Tuesday, Trump walked back on that, telling Times reporters "I don't want to hurt the Clintons; I really don't. She went through a lot and suffered greatly in many different ways."

Trump also said climate change was a fallacy as he campaigned.

But on Tuesday Mr. Trump said "I think there is some connectivity between humans and climate."

Trump said he's now looking very closely at the Paris Accords to reduce fossil fuel emissions and that he has an open mind to it.

Another issue the president-elect clarified on Tuesday was torture.

On the campaign trail, he said, "I would bring back waterboarding and I would bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding."

On Tuesday, he told The New York Times that he change his mind on waterboarding after meeting with General James Mattis – a strong candidate for secretary of defense who is against waterboarding.

Mattis told Trump "give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I'll do better. "

The president-elect said I was very impressed by that answer.

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