Off-duty Lauderhill officer shoots, kills 2 dogs in Tamarac hotel incident

Off-duty Lauderhill officer shoots, kills 2 dogs
Off-duty Lauderhill officer shoots, kills 2 dogs

TAMARAC - An off-duty Lauderhill police officer shot and killed two dogs outside an Extended Stay America hotel in Tamarac late Monday morning, according to the Broward Sheriff's Office.

BSO's preliminary investigation revealed the officer fired at the two dogs after they attacked his two dogs in the parking lot of the hotel at 3873 West Commercial Boulevard.

It remains unclear who owned the two dogs that were killed.

From aerial footage, two white tarpaulins were seen covering the bodies of the dogs in the parking lot.

BSO stated that its Special Victims and Crime Scene units responded to the scene and confirmed that the investigation is ongoing.

CBS News Miami reached out to Extended Stay America for comment but has not received a response.

Witnesses described hearing multiple gunshots.

"I heard like four gunshots. It was like pow, pow, pow, pow," said Germain Leger.

Minnie Mitchell said she learned of the incident from her husband, who was at the scene.

"I asked him what happened, and he said two dogs were shot," Mitchell said. "It's a shame."

No further details about the incident have been released.

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