North Miami Beach renters worried about safety after massive tree struck by lightning

North Miami Beach renters worried about safety after massive tree struck by lightning

MIAMI - A couple in North Miami Beach fears for their family's safety after lightning struck a massive tree in the front yard over two weeks ago.

They tell CBS News Miami they're worried it could come crashing down any moment. The couple and the city have asked the home's landlord to act, but the tree still stands.

"I'm thinking about it every night going to sleep," shared Jamarah Amani. "Are we safe?"

Amani and her partner Karyl-Lyn Sanderson have had restless nights, worrying about this massive tree outside their rental home falling, with their three children and little Chi-Chi inside.

"We don't have the money to go live in a hotel while paying rent here," shared Amani.

They say lightning struck this massive tree on June 10th.  Amani shares the family was out of town at the time.

"There was no warning," explained Amani's neighbor, Ms. Donna. "There was no lightning, nothing.  It just went BOOM!"

Chen tells us she was home and saw everything. She tells us she was terrified when the storm rolled through, striking the tree, as huge chunks of it instantly fell.

"I was afraid for my husband's life," said Chen. "He was on the working machine in the gym."

Neighbors say the storm was so powerful that day that it ripped off part of the trunk from about halfway up the tree.  And when it landed, it did so two houses away in a different neighbor's front yard. The piece of the tree was almost as tall as CBS News Miami reporter Joe Gorchow.

"They might total it," said Sanderson while pointing at Amani's car, which the couple says was significantly damaged from the debris.

The city of North Miami Beach tells CBS News Miami it has surveyed the site multiple times. The couple showed us the citation the city issued to the landlord to "remove the tree struck by lightning" by June 30th, or they will begin issuing fines.

And code compliance visited the property on Tuesday to once again look over the damage.

The city tells CBS News Miami it has no authority to enter onto private property to fix the situation, but they're in contact with the landlord.

"Let's pray to God that we don't get another hurricane," said Chen when speaking with Amani in front of the damaged tree.

"Threatens our safety and also the neighborhood," said Amani.

I did call the landlord this afternoon to find out if he plans to remove the tree soon, but he has yet to respond.

"I felt like it's separated more," said Sanderson, pointing to the cracks in the tree.  "I'm seeing more separation."

Gorchow asked the couple if the landlord indicated what the next step might look like.  And both shared they were unsure.

And every time it now rains, they watch the tree.

"We need to watch what happens with this tree just with this little bit of wind, and we could see it start rocking, you know, and it, it's just terrifying," said Amani.

This family hopes the tree is removed sooner rather than later. 

CBS News Miami will stay in touch with the couple and the city to learn more about the situation.

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