No Cash, No Card, No Problem - A New Way To Pay At Your Fingertips

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LONDON (CBSMiami) - A British company has introduced a new, 3-D approach to paying for items with just the touch of a finger.

The Fingopay device shines an infra-red light through the middle section of any finger. The light detects blood flow in veins, which make up a person's unique finger pattern, much like a fingerprint but even more distinct.

"Every time you insert your finger into a reader, we can identify you within about 200 milliseconds. In the future, you are the wallet. That's all you need," said Fingopay CEO Nick Dryden.

Fingopay customers connect a bank or credit card to their finger pattern on a secured system.

Fingopay it currently being used at a convenience store chain through Britain.

Pav Nahal, 22, hates waiting in lines and when she heard of the faster, easier way to pay by just using her finger she signed up immediately.

"You don't have to go through your bag and look for change or your card. I always leave my wallet at home," she said.

So what's next for the company?

"We're going to be introducing this in gas stations, in supermarkets, everywhere else - anywhere you're using a plastic card," said Dryden.

Which would be great for Scott Pearson who really likes Fingopay's convenience.

"If you went for a run or you went out to exercise, you don't really want to carry around anything," he said.

Dryden said the Fingopay device can still read your finger even if it's wet, dirty, sticky, or greasy. The company plans to break into the U.S. market next year.

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