Miami Proud: Miami Fire Rescue captain, colleagues committed to helping rescued boy navigate life's challenges

Miami Proud: Miami Fire Rescue captain, colleagues help rescued boy navigate life's challenges
Miami Proud: Miami Fire Rescue captain, colleagues help rescued boy navigate life's challenges

MIAMI - Miami Fire Rescue captain Nicholas Wohl and TJ, who he rescued from a deadly house fire, have formed a lifelong bond.

Now Wohl and his fellow fighters are committed to helping TJ navigate life's challenges.

Wohl said TJ is resilient as he overcomes a huge loss and tackles new challenges. TJ struggles with reading and speaking.

"He's wanted to learn but because of the difficulties in school, he's kind of felt like he wasn't up to par," said Wohl.

That isn't the only adversity TJ has faced.

On April 12, 2021, a then five-year-old TJ lost his mother in the house fire. She covered the boy with her body to try and protect him. The scars left behind that are both seen and unseen, TJ suffered burns to 25 percent of his body.

But from the tragedy, a relationship began.

After seeing the Miami Police Department give TJ a day of experiences, Wohl decided it was time to step up and do the same. Ever since TJ has been an honorary member of the city of Miami Fire Rescue team.

"He'll just run through the fire station like he owns the place," said Wohl.

When Wohl learned TJ was struggling in school, he reached out to Sylvan Learning and they've helped to bridge the gap.

"He's been moving pretty quickly, and he's actually now been attempting to read independently," said David Ciriaco, regional director for Sylvan Learning of South Florida.

Despite life's challenges, TJ and those who have now become his family are continuing to make Miami proud.

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