Meet 'Bella Dose', a South Florida girl band looking to take the music world by storm

Miami music group looking to be next big act

MIAMI - Meet Melany, Thais, Jennifer, and Brianna, they are Bella Dose, a self-described girl band that Rolling Stone named one of the  "Latin Acts to Watch in 2023".

The bilingual group mixes together pop, salsa, merengue, and more, producing a sound that's as diverse as they are.

And all call Miami home.

"This is Miami and you guys are Miami based," said CBS4's Lisa Petrillo. 

"Tell me how it feels to be representing the community in which you live.

"Oh, it's so beautiful," said 23-year-old Thais.

"And getting to represent our different countries is great. It's also great getting to represent our American culture as well because we're all from Miami. We're the 305  and we're super proud. We're a Latina girl group ready to take on the world."

They are not blood-related but are true sisters.

Brianna's mom Vicky created the group back in 2017 and they've been living together ever since.

"So we just knew we need to learn to love each other and be best friends because I think that's the main foundation of our group, is how close we are as sisters," said Brianna.

 Already popular on TikTok. They rose to new heights when Colombian mega-pop star Shakira, recreated their signature, popular dance rotation to her own song on Instagram & TikTok.

The singer posted that her inspiration was Bella Dose.

Melany was the first to see it.

"And then when I looked, I said wait, Sharikira tagged us in the caption," Melany said. "And it was crazy. It was Shakira and I had to literally check 1,000 times to make sure it was and she was tagging us! I was like, oh she's going to post on Instagram.  Five minutes later she posted on Instagram," she said. 

Their social media blew up.

"Wow! skyrocketed," said all the girls in unison.

"TikTok, as well as well on Instagram, and on all social media platforms, they just kept going up," said Jennifer.

"Even our own profile right now, our insights are 100 million right now. It's insane," said Brianna.

Perfect timing for Bella Dose as they just released a new single called  Mirame, or look at me. 

It is an upbeat dance song about forgetting the one who broke your heart.  

The foursome had some fun with Petrillo teaching her a few moves to the song.

Petrillo admitted she might not be ready for the road yet, but they are. 

The work they put in every day is real.

"We style ourselves. We come up with concepts, we write our own music. We are the music video crews" said Thais.

"So it's pretty cool to see all the hard work thrive and come to fruition."

"If there's anybody, I'm going to root for it's going to be these ladies right here, said Petrillo.

 So what's next for Bella Dose? Their new single "Mirame" is out now, a new single called Manifest releases in a month and an album is coming within the year.

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