Here's how to keep cool without breaking the bank

Here's how to keep cool without breaking the bank
Here's how to keep cool without breaking the bank

MIAMI - Even with an afternoon rain, those A/C units are still humming, leaving us all to look for ways to cool our homes, without breaking the bank. 

"We have the AC unit over here at 79 cool," said Felton Brown. He and his family stay cool by keeping the house at 79, closing blinds and drapes and making sure they have good airflow. "We want to make sure the fans are circulating the air, especially the fan that is near the vents and you get that fresh cool air moving around the house real easy," Brown said. 

The Browns also got help by qualifying for Miami-Dade's "Weatherization Assistance Program." "The county came out and helped us with a brand new air conditioning unit," he said. "They also came out and gave us a new refrigerator, they came and put new insulation in the roof, which is kind of expensive to do. They also gave us a new water heater that is energy efficient," he said. 

FPL has home energy surveys to find ways to cut costs and learn what's driving up your bill.  Aside from keeping the house at 78, using fans and closing blinds, FPL suggests grilling outside, having good airflow by keeping interior doors and vents open, changing your AC filter more often, getting a smart thermostat and looking into a high-efficiency AC. 

"There are tax incentives available right now and FPL rebates if customers want to change their insulation and air conditioner," said FPL spokeswoman Bianca Soriano.

Cutting back on the pool pump and lowering the temperature on your water heater can help too. "It's a big driver of electricity use.  You can turn it down to 120 degrees and you can also use your cold water cycle when you wash clothes. There's really no need to use hot water," she said. 

To find out about FPL programs, click here.

Click here for information on the Statewide Weatherization Assistance Program 

Check out the Miami-Dade Weatherization Assistance Program:

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