Heat Fans Heartbroken After Disappointing Finish

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MIAMI (CBSMiami) -- Hundreds of fans were hanging out for the "White Hot Playoffs" official watch party, but they'll go home not looking forward to the long offseason.

"I'm just mad that we can't go to the [next] round," said Heat fan Adrian Alonso.

The crowd cleared out quickly from the Carolina Ale House in west Miami-Dade following the Miami Heat's heartbreaking loss to the Toronto Raptors in the Eastern Conference Semi-finals.

"I feel a little bit sad," admitted Isora Lazo.

The road rally held at the restaurant did not have the ending these Heat fans were hoping for.

"Anything happens in basketball. When there was two minutes left and we're down by double digits, it's looking bad," said Jeff Mendoza.

But before things went south for the team, fans showed up in their favorite Heat gear and turned up for the party.

"I think it's great that once I entered here, all these people are here to really show support for the team," said Heat fan Jake Brill.

Also in attendance, the team's mascot, Burnie, who got the party going with his dance moves. Although, more eyes were likely on the actual Miami Heat dancers, who were also at the party.

"I think the word 'game 7' says it all," said Uptown Dale, the Heat's in-arena host for the Xtreme Team. "The Heat fans know what Game 7 means."

The crowd's energy ebbed and flowed with each bucket made and missed. Even though fans are disappointed the season ended, they say they're already looking forward to next year.

"We had a great season," said Jeff Mendoza. "It is what it is. Next year we're going to rebuild and watch out! Let's go Heat!"

They're remaining confident in the team's future.

"But we'll be back. I'm sure of it. Our team's not going to let us down again," said Adrian Alonso.

Despite the loss, fans say they had a great time and a lot of them got to take home special prizes.

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