Florida Congressional Members React To Release And Contents Of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Report

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – As reaction to the release of the Mueller Report continues to dominate much of the American news cycle, some South Florida congressional members are speaking out as well.

All comments, at least to this point, seem to follow along party lines.

Several members of Congress, mostly Democrats, have given statements or made comments about the findings in Special Counsel Robert Muller's report.

They say there is good cause to believe the president did attempt to obstruct justice.

"It's perhaps the most comprehensive look that we've had yet at how our democracy was hacked in 2016 and who was responsible for it," said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. "From my perspective, sadly, what this report really clearly indicates is that it is 400-plus pages of dark, deceptive, Nixionian-like behavior by this president and his team."

"The importance of today is the fact that we now understand from the details of the Mueller Report is that this report contains at least ten instances of potential obstruction of justice by the President of the Unites States," said Rep Ted Deutch.

SEE ALSO: Justice Department Releases Redacted Mueller Report

"I'm very concerned about Attorney General Barr's leadership and his mishandling of this investigation," said U.S. Rep Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. "He appears willing to undermine the independence of his own department in order to protect President Trump. Barr has been dishonest in saying that the president is clear of wrongdoing. Barr's previous summary that he provided to congress was not the full picture."

Republican Senator Rick Scott said he has not yet read the report, but he was in support of its release.

"I'm glad it came out, I've always believed they should disclose it," said Scott. "Anybody that's done anything wrong needs to be held accountable, so I'm glad it's out. I haven't seen it yet but I look forward to reviewing it and doing everything I can  to make sure everybody gets held accountable if anybody's done anything wrong."

No comment from Mario Diaz Balart, and Senator Marco Rubio is currently in Africa and unavailable.

Rep. Lois Frankel, who represents Florida's 21st district located in Palm Beach County, released a statement late Thursday that read:

"Despite redactions and spin from Trump and his loyalists, we know without a doubt that Russia interfered in our 2016 presidential election in aid of Donald Trump and that there is substantial evidence that President Trump engaged in obstruction of justice and other misconduct. House Democrats are taking immediate action to get the full Mueller report in order for Congress to perform our constitutionally-mandated responsibilities of oversight. Sadly it is obvious that William Barr is acting as an agent of Donald Trump and not as the Attorney General of the United States."

SEE ALSO: Trump Heads To Palm Beach County On Same Day Redacted Mueller Report Is Released

Also releasing a statement Thursday was Rep. Donna Shalala, who represents Florida District 27 in Miami-Dade County.

"The conclusions in the redacted Mueller report do not exonerate President Trump — not even close. The report provides insight on some troubling acts and behavior on the part of the President—and it calls into question his motives, at the very least. I agree with Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Nadler that we need to hear from Special Counsel Mueller directly in order to get the facts, instead of political spin from Attorney General Barr and the administration. Congress – but more importantly the American people we represent – deserves the truth and deserves information that is free of partisanship and politics.  It's disappointing that we have to fight for such basic things."

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