Fight involving motorcycle gang members leads to 4 arrests in Florida Keys

CBS News Miami
CBS News Miami

BIG PINE KEY — Four men, including members of at least one motorcycle gang, were arrested for their involvement in a fight outside of a Florida Keys restaurant over the weekend.

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office stated in a Sunday press release that 49-year-old Jeffrey Jones and 41-year-old Derek Queen of Key West, along with 55-year-old Anthony Eliopulos of Ramrod Key and 60-year-old David Mirth of Big Pine Key were all booked into jail after the altercation, which took place at the Boardwalk Grill in Big Pine around 12:30 p.m. Saturday.

According to MCSO, Jones was at the bar wearing a shirt with the symbolism of the Outlaws motorcycle gang. Then, Queen, Eliopulos and Mirth showed up at the bar, all wearing clothing that indicated their membership of the Pagans motorcycle gang.

While Queen waited outside, Eliopulos and Mirth walked inside the establishment, confronted Jones and forcibly walked him outside, where surveillance video showed them holding him against his will. They then removed Jones' shirt and pinned him between two vehicles. At this moment, deputies arrived on the scene.

Then, Queen left the area and the remaining three men were detained for questioning — two of whom were handcuffed. However, nobody was cooperating with law enforcement. According to MCSO, Jones attempted to leave "numerous times" and was repeatedly warned to stay on the scene until deputies could complete their investigation. However, he continued to resist deputies and was eventually handcuffed as well after being given 11 warnings.

Queen was eventually detained after he was spotted driving by the scene. All three of the Pagans were then transported to jail, initially charged with resisting arrest and obstructing a criminal investigation.

Later, detectives then arrived at the bar and asked the establishment's manager for the surveillance video; however, they refused to release it. With the help of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), a federal subpoena was obtained and the video was released, MCSO stated.

According to the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ), the Outlaws and the Pagans are classified as Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs).

"OMGs are organizations whose members use their motorcycle clubs as conduits for criminal enterprises," The DOJ stated. "OMGs are highly structured criminal organizations whose members engage in criminal activities such as violent crime, weapons trafficking, and drug trafficking."

After reviewing the video and interviewing Jones, Eliopulos, Mirth and Queen were all further charged with kidnapping/false imprisonment and battery. Initially, detectives believed that Jones was a member of the Outlaws; however, further investigation revealed that he was only "just wearing an Outlaw T-shirt" at the time of the incident, MCSO stated in an updated press release. Jones' affiliation with the Outlaws is unknown.

"We will not tolerate such groups operating here in Monroe County," said Sheriff Rick Ramsay. "We will continue to make the investigation of gang-related crimes a priority and will not allow the members of such groups to interfere with the day-to-day lives of the peaceful and law-abiding citizens whom we serve."

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