'Cards Against Humanity' Creator To Buy Congress' Browser History & Publish It

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WASHINGTON (CBSMiami) -- The creator of the crudely popular "Cards Against Humanity" game has pledged to purchase and publish the browser history of all members of Congress after they voted to allow internet service providers to do the same to the public.

Max Temkin tweeted out his plans on Monday.

A day later, the House of Representatives voted to repeal internet privacy protections approved by the Federal Communications Commission in 2016. The rules, which hadn't gone into effect yet, would have required internet service providers, like Verizon or Comcast, to ask for your permission before collecting and sharing your data.

Should President Trump approve the order, your browsing history will be sold off without your say-so.

Although symbolic, Temkin's threat quickly became a popular topic for proponents of internet privacy.

While many commended the attempt to "troll" Congress, some raised concern with how accurate the info collected would actually be.

"How do you tie a specific IP to a congressman," asked Twitter user @nickkokonas. "Selling history is different than ID'ing it, no?"

"IP blocks of congressmen and congressional staffers are known, see @congressedits," replied Temkin.

"Yeah but you cannot tie a specific browse (sic) to a specific congressman. Just an office. Not terribly damning," said @nickkokonas.

"Damning" may not be the intent, however; rather, humiliation. Temkin does admit, though, that he isn't even sure if there will be data to purchase.

"This bill hasn't been signed, the data doesn't exist, and nobody knows what they're talking about," Temkin told Redditors. "We don't know if there will be any data to buy, how it will work, or what will be available."

Regardless, Temkin isn't keeping his cards close to his chest.

"If and when any data becomes available, myself and Cards Against Humanity will do whatever we can do acquire it and publish it. We have a long track record of activism and spending around government transparency issues."

During the 2016 presidential primaries, Temkin created "Trump Against Humanity," an expansion pack to the original card game that allows players to fill in the blanks of cards such as "Make _____ great again."

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