Affected by historic flooding in Fort Lauderdale? Here's how to apply for FEMA help

Affected by historic flooding in Fort Lauderdale? Here's how to apply for FEMA help

FORT LAUDERDALE -  "It's been probably one of the hardest things of my life, even compared to like losing people," said Jacqueline Crimminger.

Crimminger is a lifelong resident of Edgewood. 

She says there's nowhere else she'd rather be, but the historic rainfall and flooding that left nearly three feet of water in her home earlier this month have shattered life as she knew it.

"Depressing, we've all just been under the weather, and just trying to figure things out. Calling, trying to get help, figure out where to get help. Wanting to get help at places you think you're going to get help — I stood in line for two hours at Red Cross yesterday and then the closed the line down," said Crimminger.

Now, help is officially on the way to Crimminger and hundreds of others.

President Biden's disaster declaration allows those impacted by the flooding, even those without insurance, to apply for money from FEMA, however, there are some limitations.

"One: timing. Even the people who call right now to ask for money, there has to be an Analysis of the situation. Number two, there are limits, there are limits to what FEMA will authorize," said Mayor Dean Trantalis of Fort Lauderdale.

Residents like Crimminger are hoping the money comes sooner rather than later.

"Make it an easy process, let's not make it where we have to jump through hoops, you know," said Crimminger.

While Crimminger is one of dozens of flooding victims who did not have insurance, she had this to say when asked if she will get it.

"We have had it before and to get money from them it just seems impossible, so I have mixed feelings about it. You know, I'm like in between and right now, I really just want to get back into my home, that's like my main focus,"

It's still unclear what the cap is for how much each household can receive and how long it will take for them to receive it.

For more on how you can apply for FEMA relief, call 1-800-621-3362.

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