WeHo Issues Statement After Thousands Are Turned Away From LA Pride Festival

WEST HOLLYWOOD (CBSLA) — Thousands of people were turned away from Saturday night's LA Pride festival in West Hollywood.

The festival sold out for the first time ever and reached capacity around 9 p.m.

Even those with tickets were not allowed into the outdoor street party. This led to a lot of upset people and required deputies to break up unruly crowds.

On Sunday, the city of West Hollywood issued the following statement:

People can request a refund by emailing help@seetickets.us or calling See Tickets at (323) 908-0607.

Before the ticketing issues, the event got off to a great start. It's one of the biggest Pride festivals in the country. Thousands celebrated and embraced this year's theme, "Just Be", which encourages people to express what pride means to them.

The two-day event continued Sunday. Festival organizers say anyone turned away last night can go to the box office and exchange their Saturday wristband for a Sunday ticket.

Sunday's parade along Santa Monica Boulevard got underway at 11 a.m. and CBS2's Greg Mills said the partying continued for hours and hours.

And a lot of people put on not a lot of clothing.

"This is mild," said Jen Bradford, "I've seen worse. Go overseas. You'll see worse."

Adam Broyles was in a skimpy Speedo.

"I think I'm dressed appropriately," he said, "given the event. I dressed for the occasion."

The parade was packed with politicians and political satire. Lawyer Gloria Allred who often rides in the parade gave a creative salute to the #MeToo movement.

About 170,000 people attended and more than 125 groups took part.


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