Suspects break into West Hills home during daytime burglary

Burglary suspects that broke into West Hills home yet to be found
Burglary suspects that broke into West Hills home yet to be found

The Los Angeles Police Department is searching for a burglary crew behind a daytime break-in at a West Hills home Thursday morning.

A neighbor said he saw people placing what he believed was a hidden camera in the bushes the night before the burglary. 

"Saw just some suspicious activity, like a car pulled up and two people hopped out," he said. "They were going into the bush across from my house, putting something in it."

The resident said the same car, a white Kia, came back to the neighborhood at around 11 a.m. to pick up at least four masked suspects after they rushed out of a home with bags and a camera in hand. 

"Four or five people come out with masks on," he said." They ran out, hopped in the whip, and then before they took off, they grabbed the camera they dropped off last night." 

Neighbors said this is not the first time that one of their homes has been broken into. Resident Eran Chen shared his frustrations with the police after a recent burglary at his house. 

"I'm angry it happened," Chen said. "They don't do anything about it."

Chen said the suspects broke his windows and stole some money from him. 

Police have not made any arrests.

Hidden cameras have been used to spy on potential victims in Temecula, Chino Hills and other areas. 

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