Fellow Actors, Co-Stars React On Twitter To Robin Williams' Death
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — Celebrities are taking to social media to react to the shocking news of actor and comedian Robin Williams death.
Fellow entertainers and co-stars alike shared with their own followers that they were devastated by reports of the veteran funnyman's death.
Dozens of fans took to Williams' star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, even as the red carpet premiere of the action film The Expendables 3 took place just yards away.
Stars of the film shared their own sentiments on the loss.
"He left a tremendous legacy, he excelled at everything he did, and we'll miss him," Mel Gibson said.
"I knew Robin from the 70's," Sylvester Stallone said. "It's just shocking how fragile life is, it's just really incredibly shocking and tragic, and the pressure this industry puts on people, it's really hard to comprehend, especially when you're a sensitive artist."
Other entertainers took to Twitter to share their feelings:
I can't believe the news about Robin Williams. He gave so much to so many people. I'm heartbroken.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) August 11, 2014
RIP Robin Williams.... He brought joy to so many people all over the world, will be fondly remembered and sadly missed.
— Rory McIlroy (@McIlroyRory) August 11, 2014
Stunned. Devastated. I treasure my time with him. Robin was and will always be an original and a brilliant kind soul.
— josh groban (@joshgroban) August 11, 2014
WERE GONNA MISS U BIG DOG, movies like POPEYE AND JUMANJI were my favorite. RIP http://t.co/tdu6X3SsSH
— SHAQ.SOL (@SHAQ) August 12, 2014
Absolutely stunned to hear the news about Robin Williams. It's unimaginable to me that we've lost such a genuinely funny and sweet man.
— Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien) August 12, 2014
I am so sorry about Robin. He was sweet and generous and kind as well as a comedic genius. This is just terrible news. #RIPRobinWilliams
— Craig Ferguson (@CraigyFerg) August 11, 2014
Oh Robin????
— Cher (@cher) August 11, 2014
RIP @robinwilliams You were one of the very best that ever was. You were one of my heroes. #RobinWilliams
— Joel McHale (@joelmchale) August 11, 2014
I do hope the reports on Robin Williams are incorrect.
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) August 11, 2014
O Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells. Rise up, for you the flag is flung, for you the bugle trills.
— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) August 11, 2014
Devastated right now. Loved you Robin
— Brad Paisley (@BradPaisley) August 11, 2014
Robin was as sweet a man as he was funny. If you're sad, please tell someone.
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) August 11, 2014
"That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?"
— Kevin Love (@kevinlove) August 11, 2014
My Heart's broken. Robin was a beautiful, kind soul. Can't bear that he's gone. So incredibly sorry for his family.
— Minnie Driver (@driverminnie) August 11, 2014
So sad Robin Williams died :( We did 2 films 2gether. He ws a very lovely man & kind caring person. My heart goes out 2 his loved ones.
— Fran Drescher (@frandrescher) August 11, 2014
Robin Williams, an original. Godspeed. X, sj
— Sarah Jessica Parker (@SJP) August 12, 2014
Robin Williams ~ Vaya Con Dios my friend , I love you
— George Lopez (@georgelopez) August 11, 2014
Robin Williams the saddest of sad !! A genius with a huge heart!His death is awake up call !Wow go hug your family and loved ones!
— David Hasselhoff (@DavidHasselhoff) August 11, 2014
Robin Williams made the world a little bit better. RIP.
— Steve Carell (@SteveCarell) August 11, 2014
So sad so very sad about Robin. My head and heart extend to his family.
— Tim Allen (@ofctimallen) August 11, 2014
— Danny DeVito (@DannyDeVito) August 12, 2014
I remember Mork & Mindy as a kid. Was a fan. #NanuNanu What an amazing talent.
— Dale Earnhardt Jr. (@DaleJr) August 11, 2014
The entire Osbourne Family is grieving the loss of a kind, funny, generous and talented man, Robin Williams.
— Sharon Osbourne (@MrsSOsbourne) August 11, 2014
Oh no this is terrible. #RIPRobinWilliams
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) August 11, 2014
By all accounts he was pure love
RIP, great soul. We hope your spirit has found peace. pic.twitter.com/xuFDO2qhXp
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) August 12, 2014
Thank you to the beautifully original + brave artist that is #RobinWilliams. You taught us how to stand on the edge, fearless, + shine.
— JARED LETO (@JaredLeto) August 11, 2014
A tweet cannot begin to describe the hugeness of Robin Williams heart and soul and talent. This is so sad. #RobinWilliams
— Ben Stiller (@BenStiller) August 12, 2014
Please tell me this news isn't true??? Robin Williams is one of my favorites
— Shane Victorino (@ShaneVictorino) August 11, 2014
The loss of Robin Williams today, one of the the most beautiful artists of our lifetime. So unbelievably sad.
— Lauren Cohan (@LaurenCohan) August 12, 2014
"Robin Williams was an airman, a doctor, a genie, a nanny ... and everything in between. But he was one of a kind." —President Obama
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 12, 2014