Silverado Canyon Residents Prepare For Mudslides After Fires Strip Hills

SILVERADO CANYON ( — Tuesday's flash floods sparked fears of mudslides for residents in Silverado Canyon, where crews battled fires over the weekend.

The fires tore through the canyon, stripping the hillsides bare and approaching residents' back yards.

"It's very, very steep; there's not much left," resident Sherry Meddick said. "Canyons burn, and then they flood, and those cycles are never good."

A town-hall meeting was arranged Tuesday evening to discuss the area's options for the next rainstorm, which residents fear could trigger disastrous, deadly mudslides.

Attendees were warned of another tropical storm, named Polo, that appears to be heading for Orange County and gaining strength.

Over 100 residents were present at the meeting, hoping to learn how they can assist the county in preparations.

"We're really responsible for ourselves; we know where the water flow is, and we have to prepare for it with sandbags," Orange County Emergency Management's Donna Boston said.

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