Santa Ana Unified Adopts Plan Giving Students Choice Between Online, Hybrid Learning

SANTA ANA (CBSLA) – When the fall term begins next month, students in the Santa Ana Unified School District will be able to choose whether they would like to learn solely online, or under a hybrid model.

The SAUSD board Tuesday approved a plan to create a Virtual Academy for students who would rather not come to campus at all, but meet with their teachers entirely online four days a week.

Under the hybrid model, students would attend classes on campus one or two days a week, and meet online the rest of the time.

Under the hybrid plan for elementary schools, students would be divided into two cohorts. Half the students would attend in-person classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, while the other half would attend on Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesdays would be reserved for teacher professional days.

Under the hybrid plan for secondary schools, students would be placed in one of four cohorts. Each cohort would meet on campus one day per week, with Wednesday reserved as a teacher professional day.

No more than 15 students would be in a class at one time.

The SAUSD fall term is tentatively slated to kick off Aug. 10, but could be delayed.

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This comes after President Donald Trump Tuesday pressured states to reopen schools this fall despite the surge in coronavirus cases both in Southern California and nationwide.

Orange County has reported 18,892 coronavirus cases and 369 deaths from the disease through Tuesday.

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