Blocked Site That Offers Advice On Dealing With Red-Light Tickets Back Online At Courthouse
LOS ANGELES ( — Jim Lessner created a website that informs people about different red-light cameras, explains how they work and offers advice. It is called
He said "it helps people manipulate the system? Deal with the system. Helps people deal with the system."
The cameras were removed in the city of Los Angeles. But they are still being used in other areas of L.A. County.
While you are officially told to pay up, his advice to those who got caught is loud and clear. He said motorists do not have to.
"If they haven't contacted the court, my first advice to them is to ignore it," Lessner said. "The judges, the court in L.A. County has decided that if they don't hear from you, they won't report you to the DMV."
You would think the people who could use Lessner's website the most are the ones who go to traffic court to pay their tickets or try to find a way out of it. The only problem is the court apparently doesn't want you to know about it.
If you are at the courthouse using its wi-fi to access HighwayRobbery.Net, the router will block you from the web page. Lessner thinks it is because the nature of his site.
And those at the courthouse think it's wrong. "With this that's just ridiculous. I don't understand why they would want to do that."
"I think that's wrong what they're doing. They shouldn't have the right to do that. No, not really, 'cause it's taxpayer money."
A court spokesperson claims the blocking had nothing to do with the content of the website. Instead, the restrictions are handled by a third-party vendor and, was mistakenly put in a category that was blocked.
Lessner said he does not buy it. But after CBS2/KCAL9's Investigative Reporter David Goldstein and Lessner started asking questions, the blocking was removed.