Police Chase Burglary Suspects From Cerritos Through South LA

LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com)  — Police chased burglary suspects from Cerritos through South LA.

The suspects in a Mustang convertible with the top down in the rain had been reckless.

Stu Mundel in Sky9 said the suspects were being followed by a number of police cars and two helicopters.

The suspect drove wildly down narrow side streets, did donuts on Hollywood Boulevard on two occasions and even went over spike strips. The suspects also encountered a TMZ tour bus on the freeway and wedged past it while evading authorities. It appeared that the bus driver intentionally tried to wedge the suspects in.

At one point, one of the suspects threw something at a TMZ tour bus driver, believed to be a hamburger.

At least one tire had been disabled and the driver still continued on.

The chase lasted for nearly an hour and a half and on three tires. "This is a great commercial for Mustang," KCAL9 anchor Lenya Nguyen quipped.

Civilian vehicles apparently also joined the chase and followed the suspects. When the suspects got out of the vehicle, several pedestrians shook their hands. Several others came over to take selfies with the suspects.

"This is all just so crazy," Nguyen said.

"I don't remember something this crazy," said Mundel. "The chase is ... over. But the suspects aren't in custody. They're just sitting there."

After about 10 minutes, law enforcement showed up on the ground to take the two suspects into custody.

KCAL9's Jennifer Kastner said the strange pursuit ended with the driver getting out of the car and immediately hopping on his cellphone.

Kastner was also the only reporter to get an interview with the homeowner who owns the residence that was allegedly burglarized before the chase began.




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