Parents demand action after jarring video of son being hazed in Los Osos High School locker room

A jarring video showing a high school student being hazed inside of the locker room at Los Osos High School has sparked outrage in Rancho Cucamonga, with the child's parents demanding action from school officials. 

Cassondra and Lonnie say they haven't been able to sleep in the days since they saw the video of their son screaming while he's being hit with what appears to be a belt by another student. 

"The way he was screaming, he was being choked," Lonnie said. "He could have fainted."

Their 16-year-old son, who plays on the school's JV football team, was being held by another student in a chokehold while he was whipped in the side of his stomach. 

While the footage of the incident is disturbing enough, they say that officials with the Chaffey Joint Union High School District have completely fumbled the case. 

"They dropped the ball in every area," Cassondra said. "On every angle."

CJUHSD officials initially told them that their son would be written up for horseplay for the incident, along with the other players shown in the video. 

However, once the video began to circulate online, they say the district completely changed their tone. 

"The school and district view this incident as hazing — which we do not tolerate — and have taken appropriate action to discipline those involved," said a written statement from CJUHSD Superintendent Matthew Holton.

The family says that the event crosses the line of both hazing and bullying, and the students who are seen assaulting her son should be expelled. 

"It's not even like a kid in the hallway, like, 'We're fighting,'" Cassondra said. "A kid choking another kid and a kid whipping him with a belt. That is where it's mind blowing to me that they're like, 'What do you want to happen, what kind of consequences?' What do you think kind of consequences I want?"

She's also demanding answers as to why a campus supervisor or teacher was not around to answer her son's cries for help as the event unfolded.

The original social media post showing the video has been taken down, but the teen says that before that happened there were some upsetting and threatening messages posted underneath. 

As it stands, the family is unsure if they'll be letting their son return to the school. 

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