How The Candidates Match Up In Tuesday's LAUSD School Board President Vote

LOS ANGELES ( — The cost of the massive number of mailers clogging up mailboxes throughout the LAUSD's fourth district is a fraction of the estimated $8 million worth of political advertising that has gone into one school board district.

Most of the money flowing into School Board President Steve Zimmer's re-election campaign is coming through unions.

His opponent, Nick Melvoin's support is largely from those who support the charter schools movement.

Yet both candidates say they support charter schools and unions.

CBS2's Randy Paige asked them what they want voters to know about them and what sets them apart.

"That I am a teacher, who is engaged in this fight for years and I'm trying to support our teachers and give parents more support in making good decisions with their kids," Melvoin said.

Melvoin's top three goals:

"I want to return control to local communities, I want to be more transparent in the way we spend our money, and I want to support out teachers more so we have the best and the brightest in our classrooms."

Steve Zimmer had this to say to voters on the day before election day:

"This is materially a better district than it was eight years ago, not because of me but because of the work we have done together, that's what I want people to know.

Zimmer's top three goals:

"Number one we need to fully fund early childhood education…we need to make sure the arts return to every school and we need to get to 100 percent graduation."

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