Halloween Safety Tips - Kids, Candy, & Decorations
The costume your child selects needs to be fun, creative and should express his or her personality, however you also want to ensure that it's the right size and fits well, to avoid potential trips or falls. It's a good idea to give your kids glow sticks or flashlights when they head out for trick-or-treating, which will help drivers see them at night. Luckily, the warm weather in California means that they won't need to cover their costumes with a jacket, so be sure to decorate that costume with some reflective tape or stickers, or try to stick to lighter colors. Lastly, it possible, use makeup instead of masks that may obscure children's field of vision. If that Batman mask is a must, tell your child to always take it off before crossing the street.
While reports of actual problems with Halloween candy are extremely rare, it's still important that you thoroughly check the candy your children bring home. Even the Los Angeles Police Department recommends that you should never allow your children to eat candy until you've examined it. You'll also never want to allow your children to eat anything that isn't pre-wrapped or that is homemade, unless you know the people that made it.
Covering your home for the season is a tradition in neighborhoods all over California. However, there are a few things that happen during decorating time that can be considered very dangerous. To start, never let your children handle sharp knives, and keep a close eye on the kids when carving pumpkins. It's also a good idea to use glow sticks instead of live candles in pumpkins, to avoid any fire hazards. If you'll be decorating with anything that hangs or dangles in a doorway, make sure that everything is properly secured, and tape down any loose wires, that way the kids won't run into the danger of tripping on any of your decorations. Lastly, be sure to read the directions on all your decoration packages, as many things are only meant to be used outdoors (like fog machines or other similar items.) Follow those package directions carefully to ensure a fun and safe Halloween.