Giving Peace A Chance: Anti-Sharia Law Group Faces Off With Pro-Love Group

SAN BERNARDINO (CBSLA) —   The last time an anti-Sharia law group faced off with a pro-love group in San Bernardino,  police had to step in.

That was then and this was now. Today, the same groups met in the same location.

CBS2's Greg Mills said both sides across Waterman Avenue taunted each other and yelled at each other but they kept the peace.

It was billed as an anti-Sharia law protest

"It's here and it's a threat to women and young children," said protester Gracey Vandermark.

Mills asked her where she sees Sharia law in the United States.

"It's in Dearborn, Michigan right at this moment. A lot of mosques practice it." said Vandermark.

The group on the other side said this protest really has nothing to do with Sharia law.

Irfan Khan, a photographer with the LA Times, covering the event, had a unique take. He tweeted,  "It's not easy to watch two non-Muslims debate Sharia law at anti-Sharia law protest in San Bernardino."

A woman on the pro love, pro immigration side said, "We have one agenda and that's to love one another."

The one thing both groups had in common -- President Trump.

The pro love side clearly do not like him. The anti-Sharia law side does -- with one exception.

Said one man, "I don't even really like Trump to be honest with you."

But he did say he and people on his side want to keep certain groups out of the country.

"We're not saying every Muslim is going to kill people.but if you open your doors to Muslims people will die," he said.

Mills pointed out that the country's most recent mass shootings -- in Las Vegas, Texas and Northern California -- were all committed by white males -- not Muslims.

"True," said the man "But -- again -- that Las Vegas shooting that happened was done by ISIS. Unofficially." (Editor's Note: Law enforcement has not linked the shooter in Las Vegas to ISIS or any terrorist group.)

After a while, Mills said he saw two of the most outspoken people from both sides get together for a long conversation -- debating their differences in a civil manner.

San Bernardino police were on hand to keep the peace and kept a respectful distance. They reported no trouble and no arrests.


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