Flex alert extended through Sunday as Cal ISO asks Californians to continue conserving power

Statewide Flex Alert issued for fourth-consecutive day; expected to continue through Labor Day

For the fifth consecutive day Californians are asked to partake in a Flex Alert and limit power usage from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. as the California Independent System Operator works to lessen strain on state's power grid.

With the considerable impact placed upon the grid due to an extensive heat wave, state officials are working to conserve energy by limiting usage during peak hours. 

The Flex Alert, which is voluntary, offers state residents the opportunity to cut back on their own household usage to avoid mandated rolling power outages in the near future. With millions of Californians suffering at the hands of one of the worst heat waves in recent memory, with triple digit temperatures scorching nearly every region, the concern lies with excessive use of air conditioning and other large utilities that drain the most power. 

Residents are asked to set thermostats to 78 degrees, or turn them off altogether, and avoid using any other major appliances. They are also advised to turn off any extra lights and avoid charging their electrical vehicles. 

In order to stay cool during the five-hour period, with many regions still sitting in 90+ degree weather, they suggest pre-cooling homes to 72 degrees and closing blinds, drapes or curtains to block the incoming sunlight. 

Thus far, Cal ISO suggests that residents have done well to conserve energy. 

However, they did also report that Thursday's high of 47,357 megawatts is the most since 2017, a number they fear could be topped on any given day from Sunday through Tuesday as the hottest temperatures descend on the region. 

It was not immediately clear if Cal ISO had decided to extend the Flex Alert past Sunday. 

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