Chief Luna, Sheriff Villanueva trade criticisms in heated debate for LA County Sheriff

Chief Robert Luna, Sheriff Alex Villanueva compete for voters' approval during debate

Former Long Beach Police Chief Robert Luna and Sheriff Alex Villanueva traded criticisms in a heated debate for the office of Los Angeles County's top cop.

The two vied for the support of voters' trying to knock each other down with Villaneuva calling Luna a "puppet" for the county's Board of Supervisors. 

"When the Board of Supervisors recruits eight candidates to run against me they did it for one reason only," Villanueva. "They want a puppet and we have the person right here as that puppet."

Luna repeatedly criticized the Sheriff for his confrontational style claiming he refuses to get along with community leaders especially the Board of Supervisors.

"Here's something that the sheriff needs to learn, when you're working with people that doesn't mean you're a puppet," Luna said. "That means you're working with people to collaborate at the end of the day. The first thing I would do as Sheriff is I would stop this us versus them culture and mentality."

Villanueva rebuked Luna's claim and specifically referenced the hiring freeze that was placed on the Sheriff's Department. 

"When they impose a hiring freeze on the department, what am I going to do? Greet with open arms?" he said. "Of course, I'm going to object to that."

The debate was hosted by Fox 11, Los Angeles Times, Univision and KPCC. The two debated several topics, including how best to handle rising crime and homelessness. 

The debate also covered the controversial corruption investigation into Supervisor Sheila Kuehl and the search of her home last week. The candidates were asked about the state Attorney General stepping in and stripping Villanueva of the case after questions were raised about conflicts of interest.

"This investigation started in September of 2019," said Villanueva. "We've consulted with the Attorney General and that is my practice in every investigation that may be complicated or politically sensitive."

 Luna responded by saying the Sheriff had no business investigating Kuehl.

"The Sheriff had no business investigating this from the very beginning," he said. "You cannot investigate your political opponents or enemies."

The election is on Nov. 8. The most recent poll had Luna slightly ahead of Villanueva but many voters are undecided. 

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