Camarillo Police Seek Help To Nab Man Suspected As Serial Flasher

CAMARILLO ( — The Camarillo Police Department is asking the public to help them identify a man they say has been flashing women.

He has struck several times, authorities said.

The man, described as white, about 5-foot-9 and 165 pounds with short brown hair, exposed himself most recently about 12:50 p.m. Tuesday at the Camarillo Outlets.

On Tuesday, the man asked to use a dressing room at the Neiman Marcus Last Call store. Authorities said he exposed himself to a female employee.

Over the past year, they said, the same man is believed to have exposed himself at least two previous times using a similar approach at the same store.

On all three occasions, the man also told his victims his name was Simon.

KCAL9's Rachel Kim spoke to shoppers who hope officials catch the flasher soon.

"I don't work at a clothing store, but I definitely will be more aware of the people around us," said Julie Millan, an outlet employee.

She can't believe how bold the man is.

"That's very scary," she said, "to come back to the same location, exposing himself."

After exposing himself at Neiman Marcus, officials told Kim that the man walked over to Wilson's Leather, asked to try on a leather skirt and mooned a female employee.

"I have two kids, and it's really scary to know that someone out there is capable of doing that. I guess you see it on the news but don't really think about it until it hits close to home," shopper Lynn Dickson said.

Police said anyone who sees the man should call 911 immediately and should not try to detain him.

For now, they told Kim, he's limited his flashing to employees but are also concerned his behavior is escalating.

If you have any information about the man or have been similarly flashed, police are asking you to call detective T.J. DeSalvo at (805) 388-5157.

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