Super Tuesday: Biden sweeps South, wins Texas, but California leans toward Sanders

Breaking down the Super Tuesday primary results

Joe Biden has plenty of reasons to smile about his performance on Super Tuesday. CBS News projects he picked up wins in Massachusetts, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas and Maine. CBS News projects Bernie Sanders will win Colorado, Utah and his home state of Vermont.

Texas, with 228 delegates at stake, was second only to California, which had 415.

Biden's win in Massachusetts was a blow to Elizabeth Warren, who came in third in her home state.

Mike Bloomberg and Tulsi Gabbard got their first delegate wins in the American Samoa caucuses. Bloomberg was awarded four delegates and Gabbard one. 

More than 1,300 delegates were up for grabs in all — over 30% of all the pledged delegates available — making Tuesday one of the most important days of the primary season. Only 155 delegates were awarded in the first four voting contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.


Which races have been called?

Here's a list of states CBS News has called so far: 

  • Alabama: Biden

  • Arkansas: Biden 

  • Colorado: Sanders

  • Maine: Biden

  • Massachusetts: Biden

  • Minnesota: Biden 

  • North Carolina: Biden

  • Oklahoma: Biden

  • Tennessee: Biden

  • Texas: Biden

  • Utah: Sanders 

  • Vermont: Sanders

  • Virginia: Biden

By Caroline Linton

Biden called Klobuchar after Minnesota win

After Biden was declared the winner of Minnesota, he called Klobuchar, who represents the state in the U.S. Senate, to thank her for her help and endorsement, two sources familiar with the call tell CBS News.

Klobuchar threw her support behind the former vice president Monday after suspending her own presidential campaign. Biden's campaign then turned Klobuchar's speech announcing her endorsement into an ad that ran across Minnesota on Super Tuesday.

Biden's win in Minnesota was a big victory for his campaign, as Sanders won the state in 2016.

By Bo Erickson

George Conway donates maximum to Joe Biden

 An unlikely donor answered Biden's call for campaign cash tonight. George Conway, the husband of one of President Trump's top aides, Kellyanne Conway, sent the maximum donation allowed to Biden for President, $2,800. He tweeted the receipt, which read, "Thank you for your contribution in support of Joe Biden!"

The president and Conway have been exchanging insults over Twitter since early in Mr. Trump's presidency. Conway has tweeted that Mr. Trump has narcissistic personality disorder. The president generally responds to Conway's insults by calling him "a total loser." 


Warren lost women to Biden in Massachusetts

 In Warren's home state, Biden won a larger share of female voters than Sanders and Warren.

Thirty-four percent of women backed Biden, 26% went for Sanders and 24% supported Warren, according to exit polls. 

There was also a split among white women by education, exit polls show. Among white women with a college degree, 33% voted for Warren, while 31% backed Biden and 20% supported Sanders.

Among white women without a college degree, 44% supported Biden, followed by 31% for Sanders and 15% for Warren.

Jennifer DePinto and Melissa Quinn


CBS News projects Biden will win Massachusetts

CBS News projects Biden will win Massachusetts, in a blow to Sanders and particularly Warren in her home state.

With 68% of the vote in, Biden had 33.3% of the vote, Sanders had 26.8%, and Warren had 22.1%. 

Exit polls show Massachusetts primary voters were evenly split between those who were looking for a candidate who can bring about change (36%) and those looking for a candidate who can unite the country (35%). Those looking for unity clearly favored Biden (55%), while  those looking for change split their votes among Sanders (39%), Warren (27%) and Biden (22%).  

Kathryn Watson and David Jones


Sanders campaign files complaint to keep polls open

 The Sanders campaign has filed a complaint U.S. District Court for the Central District of California requesting that polls in Los Angeles County remain open past 8 p.m. PT. The campaign is filing the complaint "to ensure that Los Angeles County voters can exercise their constitutional right to vote."

Multiple polling locations in Los Angeles have experienced "extreme" wait times, according to the complaint, "including wait times up to four hours to cast a ballot."

Polls closed at 8 p.m. PT, 11 p.m. ET, with the state leaning toward Sanders.

By Grace Segers

Track Super Tuesday results state by state


Trump mocks "loser" Bloomberg and Warren

President Trump is apparently paying attention to the Super Tuesday returns. Mr. Trump bashed "Mini Mike" and Elzabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, taking to Twitter to offer his thoughts.

"The biggest loser tonight, by far, is Mini Mike Bloomberg. His 'political' consultants took him for a ride. $700 million washed down the drain, and he got nothing for it but the nickname Mini Mike, and the complete destruction of his reputation. Way to go Mike!" Mr. Trump tweeted. 

He also joked that Warren can now sit back with a "nice cold beer," after she trailed in her own state of Massachusetts. 

"Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren, other than Mini Mike, was the loser of the night," Mr. Trump tweeted. " She didn't even come close to winning her home state of Massachusetts. Well, now she can just sit back with her husband and have a nice cold beer!"

The president was likely referring to an Instagram video from a little over a year ago in which Warren walks out of the frame to grab a beer. During the video, she also introduces viewers to her husband.  

By Kathryn Watson

CBS News estimates California leans Sanders

As polls close in California, the race leans toward Sanders, CBS News estimates. 


Biden addresses crowd after primary wins: "They don't call it Super Tuesday for nothing"

Joe Biden addresses supporters in Los Angeles on Super Tuesday

A jubilant Biden addressed an enthusiastic crowd in California shortly after 10 p.m., after winning several of the night's primaries.

"It's a good night," Biden said to cheers. "And it seems to be getting even better! They don't call it Super Tuesday for nothing."

Biden said that political commentators had declared his campaign "dead" as recently as last week, but his wins in South Carolina and today proved his viability as a candidate.

"I'm here to report we are very much alive," Biden said. "And make no mistake about it: this campaign will send Donald Trump packing."

Biden also took a shot at Sanders and his campaign promises to spur a political revolution.

"People are talking about a revolution - we started a movement," Biden said. He was briefly interrupted by animal rights activists, but the protesters were quickly escorted out as the crowd cheered, "Let's go Joe!"

Biden also praised Buttigieg and Klobuchar, who both endorsed him on Monday, and credited Klobuchar for his victory in Minnesota.

By Grace Segers

CBS News projects Biden wins Minnesota

Biden wins Minnesota, CBS News projects. He received the endorsement of the home state Senator Amy Klobuchar on Monday, the day she dropped out of the presidential race. 

Klobuchar has high favorability in Minnesota, with three-quarters in the exit poll having a favorable opinion. Of those, 48% say they voted for Biden. Over half of Minnesota voters made their decision over the last few days and a majority of them voted for Joe Biden.

On the question of who they thought had the best chance to defeat Donald Trump in November, 45% said Biden while 27% said Sanders. 

Looking at the age factor, 40% of voters in the state were age 17-44 and over half of them supported Sanders; 60% of voters were 45 or older, and about half of them supported Biden. 

Melissa Herrmann


CBS News projects Sanders wins Utah

CBS News projects that Bernie Sanders has won Utah, which offers a total of 29 delegates.


Biden and Sanders in a close race in Texas

Texas shaping up to be a tight race between Biden and Sanders

Exit polls show that the tight race between Biden and Sanders in Texas is due in large part to the fact that each candidate's demographic strengths are nearly equally balanced.

Sanders had already shown in Nevada his popularity among Hispanic voters. About 31% of the Texas primary electorate today was Hispanic, and these voters heavily favor Sanders over Biden.

A smaller 20% of Texas primary voters were black, but as the South Carolina primary showed, these voters heavily favor Biden over Sanders. Finally, white voters, who made up 45% of those at the polls in Texas, are fairly evenly divided between the two candidates.

 David Jones 


Sanders says with "absolute confidence" he will win Democratic nomination, hits Biden without naming him

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders waves to supporters as his wife Jane Sanders smiles at his Super Tuesday night event on March 3, 2020 in Essex Junction, Vermont. Alex Wong / Getty Images

Sanders, taking the stage at his campaign headquarters in Vermont, said with "absolute confidence" he will win the Democratic nomination, despite Biden's strong performance in early Super Tuesday states. 

"It's a funny thing, 31 years ago today we won the mayoral race in Burlington, Vermont. And we won that race against all of the odds," Sanders told his supporters. "Everybody said it couldn't be done. And when we began this race for the presidency, everybody said it couldn't be done. But tonight I tell you with absolute confidence, we are gonna win the Democratic nomination. And we are going to defeat the most dangerous president in the history of this country." 

The Vermont senator went on to describe his platform, one of health care for all and free college. Sanders said they're taking on the "corporate establishment," the "greed of Wall Street" and the "greed" of drug companies.

"But we are not only taking on the corporate establishment, we're taking on the political establishment," Sanders said. 

The Vermont senator insisted his campaign is in the best position to beat Trump. That can't be done with the same kind of politics, he said, arguing the country needs to bring working class people and young people into his political movement. 

Without naming names, Sanders attempted to contrast his record with Biden's, insisting he is the one who stood up for American workers.

By Kathryn Watson

CBS News projects Biden will win Arkansas

 Biden will win Arkansas, CBS News projects. 


Massachusetts leans toward Biden

Warren's home state of Massachusetts leans toward Biden, CBS News estimates.

By Kathryn Watson

CBS News projects Biden will win Oklahoma

Biden will win Oklahoma, CBS News projects. 

This is a reversal of fortune for Sanders, who beat Hillary Clinton in Oklahoma by 10 points in 2016. Four years later, Sanders finds himself staring at a 12-point loss to Joe Biden in the same state. Why the shift?
A key factor appears to be the different perspective of late-deciders in 2020 compared to 2016. Four years ago, voters who decided in the last few days favored Sanders by 20 points. This year, Biden's resurgence in South Carolina and the subsequent endorsements he received from former rivals Buttigieg and Klobuchar appear to have made him the favorite of late-deciding voters in many states, including Oklahoma. Half of all Oklahoma voters said they picked their candidate in the last few days, and Biden carried these voters by a 26-point margin, with 41% compared to Sanders's 15%.

David Jones


Bloomberg campaign to make "reassessment" on Wednesday

The Bloomberg campaign will be making a "reassessment" on Wednesday, a Bloomberg campaign aide said. But that aide also cautioned, "that doesn't mean much yet."

At this point, Bloomberg has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the race, and has only won in American Samoa. 

Some in the party are encouraging Bloomberg to drop out and allow moderates to coalesce around Biden. 

By Rebecca Kaplan

Sanders projected to win Colorado

Bernie Sanders wins Colorado primary

CBS News projects Sanders will win Colorado. 

Exit polls show two-thirds of Colorado voters were liberal and among those, 38% supported Sanders. Regardless of how they voted, about a third of Colorado voters said they thought Sanders had the best chance of defeating Donald Trump in November, compared to 21% who thought Biden could win. 

Over half of Colorado primary voters support replacing all private health insurance with a single government plan, and about half them support Sanders. About half also think the economic system in the United States needs a complete overhaul, and about 4 in 10 of them support Sanders. 

Breaking down the Super Tuesday vote in Colorado

—Kathryn Watson and Melissa Herrmann


Tennessee called for Biden

CBS News projects Joe Biden has won the Tennessee primary. Biden's win in the state was fueled by strong support from African American and older voters.

According to exit polls, the Democratic primary electorate in Tennessee was far more heavily African American (26%) than in previous contests in Iowa (3%), New Hampshire (3%), or Nevada (11%) — though not as large as in South Carolina (56%). Like in South Carolina, black voters proved to be strong Biden supporters in Tennessee, favoring him by 62% to 18% over Sanders.  

Biden also had a strong showing among the 68% of Tennessee primary voters aged 45 or older. Fifty-three percent of these voters cast a ballot for Biden, while only 15% voted for Sanders and 15% for Bloomberg.

Caroline Linton and David Jones


CBS News estimates Texas and Minnesota are toss-ups

At 9 p.m., CBS News estimates that Texas, which has 228 delegates, the second-largest prize Tuesday night after California, is a toss-up between Biden and Sanders.

CBS News also estimates Minnesota is a toss-up between Biden and Sanders. 


What matters to Colorado voters on Super Tuesday

What matters most to Colorado voters on Super Tuesday

Colorado switched from a caucus system to a primary system this election cycle, and this is the first time it's a mail-in primary. CBSN's Elaine Quijano spoke with Shaun Boyd, a political specialist at CBS Denver, about Bernie Sanders' lead in the state polls, key issues to Colorado voters, the state's open primary system and the big Senate race in Colorado.


What exit polls can tell us about Super Tuesday

What exit polls can tell us about Super Tuesday

Exit polling showed Democratic voters were most concerned with defeating President Trump in the general election. CBS News contributor and Democratic strategist Antjuan Seawright and CBS News political analyst and Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez join "Red and Blue" to discuss what the exit polls might mean for the candidates.


Bloomberg says campaign has "done something that no one else thought was possible"

Democratic presidential candidate former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg walks out before speaking at his Super Tuesday night event on March 3, 2020 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Speaking to an enthusiastic crowd in Florida, Bloomberg joked it was unusual to see a New Yorker in south Florida in late winter. 

"Unlike the president, I didn't come here to golf," Bloomberg quipped. "I came here because winning in November starts with Florida."

The Florida primary is on March 17.

Bloomberg obliquely acknowledged that he was trailing in several of the Super Tuesday states, where he dramatically outspent all of the other candidates.

"No matter how many delegates we have won tonight, we have done something that no one else thought was possible," Bloomberg said, noting that he only launched his campaign a few months ago. Bloomberg, who has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into his campaign, said that he "has the resources to beat Trump."

By Grace Segers

CBS News estimates Arkansas a toss-up

Polls closed at 8:30 in Arkansas. CBS News estimates Arkansas is a toss-up. 

By Caroline Linton

Most voters in exit polls don't want more liberal policies

Looking at the seven states where the polls are closed, 46% of voters said in exit polls that they think the next president should return to Barack Obama's policies; 34% think the U.S. should change to more conservative policies; and 14% think the next president should change to more liberal policies.
Many voters — 41% of voters said in exit polls in the states where polls are closed — made up their decision about who to support in the presidential primary in the last few days. 

— Melissa Herrmann and Kathryn Watson


CBS News projects Bloomberg wins American Samoa caucuses

CBS News projects Bloomberg has won the caucuses in American Samoa. Bloomberg will receive four delegates from the contest, and Gabbard, who came in second place, will receive one. This is the first contest that Bloomberg has won since he joined the race. This is also the first delegate that Gabbard has won. 

By Grace Segers

Money rolling in for Biden

With Tuesday night's encouraging results for the Biden campaign from Alabama, North Carolina and Virginia so far, the money is finally starting to pour in for the former vice president.

"There is unprecedented incoming and a lot of people asking to join the campaign," said a top Biden campaign "bundler" responsible for helping the former vice president raise campaign cash.
Earlier Tuesday, Biden told reporters while campaigning in Los Ángeles that he thinks his campaign raised $5 million Monday night but "don't hold him to exact numbers." He then said that he thinks the campaign has raised $15 million total in the last three days. 
One bundler boasted to CBS News on Tuesday alone Biden close to $100,000 in pledges came in from former Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar fundraisers.

— Ed O'Keefe and Bo Erickson


Biden had strong support from African American voters in North Carolina

In North Carolina, Biden found strong support among African American voters, with almost two-thirds supporting him, according to exit polls.

Three in 10 voters said they made their decision in the last few days, and of those, 59% said they were voting for Biden. Sixty-two percent of the majority of primary voters who want a candidate who can unite the country supported Biden. Of the almost two-thirds of North Carolina primary voters who prefer a Democratic Party nominee who can beat Mr. Trump, just about half support Biden.

Biden also had strong support among older voters, with 55% of voters 65 and older voting for him. The majority of moderates also voted for Biden. 

Voters were split on their opinion of socialism, with 49% with a favorable opinion of socialism and 41% with an unfavorable opinion. The majority of those with an unfavorable opinion supported Biden.

Melissa Herrmann 


Minnesota voters go to the polls one day after Klobuchar drops out

Minnesota voters head to polls the day after Amy Klobuchar ends presidential bid

CBSN's Elaine Quijano talks with Esme Murphy, reporter and Sunday morning anchor for CBS Minnesota station WCCO, about issues Minnesota voters care about, which candidates are projected to do well after their senator, Amy Klobuchar, dropped out, and what happens to the early votes cast for Klobuchar now that she's out of the race.


8 p.m. poll closings: Biden projected to win Alabama, toss-ups in several other states

As polls closed in several states, CBS News projects that Biden will win Alabama. Exit polls indicate he gained strong support from voters who made up their minds at the last minute. Of the 39% of primary voters who decided in the last few days, almost two-thirds supported Biden.

Alabama exit poll results also show 72% of African American voters and 76% of those age 65 and older voted for Biden. Of the 54% who prioritize a Democratic nominee who can beat President Trump, over two-thirds supported Biden. 

In Elizabeth Warren's home state of Massachusetts, CBS News estimates it's a three-way toss-up between Biden, Warren and Sanders. CBS News estimates Oklahoma and Maine are also both toss-ups between Biden and Sanders. 

Polls were also supposed to close at 8 p.m. in Tennessee, but after severe storms, some  polling locations were forced to close, and voting was extended until 9 p.m. 

Kathryn Watson and Melissa Herrmann


Biden reacts to Virginia win: "It feels good"

Following his projected win in Virginia on Super Tuesday, Biden told reporters during a campaign stop in Los Angeles, California that "it feels good."

"We're feeling optimistic," he said before shaking hands with voters and posing for photos.

Appearing at the California stop was actor Keegan-Michael Key in a "Joe" T-shirt, who said he is endorsing Biden.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden talks with actor and comedian Keegan-Michael Key, a supporter, as he campaigns in Los Angeles on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020. ELIZABETH FRANTZ / REUTERS
By Melissa Quinn

Warren indicates that she is not dropping out Tuesday night

Elizabeth Warren poses for a selfie ahead of her Super Tuesday night event on March 3, 2020 in Detroit, Michigan. Getty Images

Despite potential losses in the Super Tuesday contest, Warren indicated that she will not drop out of the presidential race.

"My name is Elizabeth Warren and I'm the woman who's going to beat Donald Trump," Warren said as she took the stage in Detroit, Michigan. She urged voters not to listen to prognostications from pundits, but to instead vote with their hearts.

"Prediction has been a terrible business, and the pundits have gotten it wrong over and over," Warren said.

Although Warren has led in polls in her home state of Massachusetts, it is unclear which states, if any, she will carry in tonight's contests.

By Grace Segers

CBS News projects Biden will win North Carolina

Based on early exit polling, CBS News projects Biden will win the state of North Carolina. Polls closed at 7:30 p.m.

As was the case in Virginia, black voters overwhelmingly gave Biden their support in North Carolina. He won over 60% of the African American vote in the state. 

He also performed well with older voters — 50% of those over age 45 and over went for Biden, while Bloomberg was second with just 14%, followed by Sanders with 13% of this age group.
Those looking for someone to unite the country went big for Biden – roughly 6 in 10 of that group backed him. Biden and Sanders were about even among voters looking for a candidate who can bring needed change.
About 3 in 10 North Carolina Democratic voters are moderate, and more than half of those voters went for Biden. More than half of North Carolina Democrats wanted a return to Obama policies.
Biden led with both men and women in the state.

By Jennifer De Pinto

Bloomberg campaign manager says campaign will "assess" after votes Tuesday

Kevin Sheekey, campaign manager for Bloomberg, told reporters shortly before polls closed in Virginia and Vermont that they would "assess" after the results from Tuesday's primaries are released. However, Sheekey said that Bloomberg would "absolutely not" drop out of the race Tuesday night.

Sheekey also contradicted Bloomberg's comments from earlier today, when the candidate said that the only way he could win would be in a contested convention, a scenario in which no candidate enters the Democratic National Convention this summer with a majority of delegates.

"I don't think I can win any other way," Bloomberg said.

Sheekey, however, told reporters that he does not believe there will be a contested convention.

Tim Perry and Grace Segers


CBS News projections: Biden wins Virginia and Sanders wins Vermont

Biden wins Virginia, Sanders wins Vermont

CBS News projects Biden will win the Virginia primary, and projects Sanders will win the primary in his home state of Vermont. 

There are 99 pledged delegates up for grabs in Virginia, and 16 available in Vermont.

Nearly half of Virginia Democratic primary voters decided in the last few days, and Biden won them big – 52% went for him.

 Exit polls show 51% viewed Biden as the candidate best able to beat Trump. Sanders was far behind with 22%.
He won more than six in 10 of black voters.

— Ellee Watson and Kathryn Watson 


Judge allows polling locations in Nashville to stay open later after devastating tornadoes

The Tennessee Democratic Party said a judge had allowed all Nashville polling sites to stay open for an additional hour, until 9 p.m. ET. A lawsuit was filed earlier Tuesday seeking to extend the hours in Davidson County after it was hit by deadly tornadoes overnight. 

Additionally, five "super sites" will stay open until 11 p.m. ET. Polls in Tennessee were set to close at 8 p.m. ET.

The state party called the extension of voting hours a "victory for voters."

By Melissa Quinn

Beating Trump is top concern for voters

What exit polls can tell us about Super Tuesday

According to early exit polls, voters across Super Tuesday states say they prefer a nominee who can beat President Trump to one they agree with on major issues. Overall, 59% said they wanted a nominee who can beat Mr. Trump in November, compared with 36% who said they prefer someone who agrees with them on issues. 

More than half of Democratic voters in the early exit polls say they are angry about the Trump administration. This anger is particularly high in Maine (79%), Vermont (75%), and Minnesota (73%). 

Health care is the most important issue for Democratic voters today, far ahead of climate change, income inequality, and race relations.  The exit poll results show voters are split on whether to replace all private health insurance with a single government plan for all, with just over half supporting this in seven of the Super Tuesday states. 

Democratic voters in Southern states — Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee — are more likely to think the next president should return to Barack Obama's policies rather than move toward more liberal policies. In Maine, Massachusetts, and Minnesota, there is more of a split, with a slight edge towards wanting the next president to be more liberal. 

Among those who voted today in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, roughly half said the coronavirus outbreak was an important factor in their vote.  

Many voters said they made their decision about whom to vote for within the last few days. 
— Melissa Herrmann


Delegate count before Super Tuesday results

Sanders had a narrow lead in delegates as voters were going to the polls on Super Tuesday, with an estimated 60 national delegates. Biden was just behind him with 54 delegates, and Warren had 8. 

Although they dropped out earlier this week, Buttigieg had 26 delegates and Klobuchar had 7 delegates.

By Caroline Linton

Polling locations in Tennessee affected by tornado damage

After severe storms and a tornado ripped through Middle Tennessee, some polling locations have been forced to close, CBS Nashville affiliate WTVF reported

A full list of polling locations affected is here. Voters going to these polling locations are being given alternate places to cast their ballots.

More than 20 people died in tornadoes overnight across Tennessee, including Nashville, authorities said. 

By Caroline Linton

Travis County, Texas, delayed openings of some polling places

Approximately 15 of the 175 polling sites in Travis County, home of Austin, Texas, experienced delayed openings due to a shortage of poll workers. Some officials expressed concerns about coronavirus. 
Travis County clerk Dana DeBeauvoir told CBS News all polling sites were open by 10 a.m. ET, running on backup volunteers with no backlogs. Polls will still close Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET. 
In Travis County, residents can vote at any polling location within the county and are not relegated a specific precinct. Earlier Tuesday, voters who showed up to vote at precincts with delayed openings were sent to the nearest open polling location. 

— Nicole Sganga and Adam Brewster


Trump slams Democrats as Super Tuesday voters go to the polls

Speaking on the White House lawn, President Trump slammed Democrats as voters go to the polls. "Whoever [the nominee] is, I really don't care, I will take them on," Mr. Trump said. 

Mr. Trump was headed to a roundtable with the National Institute of Health on coronavirus. 

At a rally in North Carolina on Monday night, Mr. Trump said he "likes to troll" Democrats by going to the states that are going to vote. 

By Caroline Linton

What Texas voters are saying about the candidates

CBS News spoke to several voters outside of a polling location in Dallas this morning as voting was underway Tuesday. Here's what they told us.

John McLellan of Dallas went to bed on Monday night expecting to vote for Bloomberg, but by Tuesday morning, he was ready to support Biden instead. 
"I think the momentum that Biden gained since Sunday…I decided to go with Joe," McLellan said. "I know Joe. Joe knows me." 

On Saturday, Biden prevailed in a convincing victory in South Carolina, winning every county in the state. McLellan said he had been supporting Bloomberg because he wasn't sure that Biden would be able to win, until recently. 

But McLellan is willing to get "110%" behind the Democratic nominee, even if it's Bernie Sanders. However, he feels that Sanders has the "wrong solutions to the right problems." 

And, "in many ways, he reminds me of Trump," McLellan added. "He makes promises that he doesn't deliver on ... I don't think the country wants a revolution, they want an evolution." 

Another voter, Dan Sheehan, said he thought Bloomberg was a "good candidate" and a "good alternative," since "Joe Biden isn't showing well." But he did not disclose who he voted for. 
Basab Chatterjee made up his mind to support Biden following his remarks at a CNN town hall. He liked Buttigieg but wanted to see how he'd fare in the South Carolina primary. When Buttigieg foundered with with minorities, Chatterjee concluded Buttigieg's prospects were dim.

Biden's endorsements "reaffirmed" Chatterjee's decision to support Biden. "I know he'll be good for my 401k, but it doesn't get me excited," he said of Bloomberg. He also said he thinks the primary has made Biden stronger because he's been tested.
"I feel like he can take us where we need to go," said Brenda Aguillon, referring to Bloomberg. She said she decided to support Bloomberg when he announced his candidacy.

By Adam Brewster

Super Tuesday spending update

As of noon, the candidates who are still running for the Democratic nomination have spent $256 million on TV and radio ads in the 14 states voting today. Add the three who dropped out — Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer and Pete Buttigieg — and the total rises to $308.8 million.

The vast majority of that spending, however, was undertaken by one candidate, Mike Bloomberg, who dropped $233 million in the Super Tuesday states. Bernie Sanders was the next biggest spender, with $18 million, and Joe Biden spent a little over $2 million.

In California alone, Bloomberg spent over $77 million on ads. And in Texas, he shelled out almost $57 million in Texas, $17 million in North Carolina and $18 million in Virginia.

Among super PACs, Persist, which is supporting Elizabeth Warren, has spent the most in Super Tuesday states, just under $12 million.

By Sarah Ewall-Wice

Klobuchar explains decision to drop out and endorse Biden

Klobuchar says "Joe Biden is the answer" to beating Trump

In an interview with "CBS This Morning," Klobuchar explained her decision to drop out of the race and endorse Biden. She appeared alongside the former vice president at a rally in Texas on Monday night.

"I had that weekend to reflect, and I thought, 'This is the best thing.' My husband actually kind of wanted to keep going. And I said, 'Eh, I think we can do good this way, and what's best for the country?'" she said. "I just don't think that the rule of law can handle four more years of a president who thinks he's above it, and I don't think our democracy can handle four more years of a president who bulldozes through it. And Joe Biden is the answer to that."

The Minnesota Democrat reiterated her argument made during the primary debates that Sanders' candidacy would pose a threat to Democrats running for office further down the ticket.

"I don't think we should have a socialist heading up our ticket. And I think we have to have someone, as one prominent Democrat said, who is actually listening to where the American people are," Klobuchar said. "That prominent Democrat was Barack Obama. He said it a few months ago, that we should pay attention to where they are." 

By Stefan Becket

Bloomberg says he can only win at a contested convention

In a testy exchange with reporters in Florida, Bloomberg said that he had "no intention" of dropping out of the race, despite the recent show of strength from Biden's campaign and criticism Bloomberg is splitting the anti-Sanders vote. Bloomberg said the dynamic "goes both ways," and that "Joe's taking votes away from me."

"Have you asked Joe whether he's going to drop out? When you ask him that, then you can call me," Bloomberg said. "I have no intention of dropping out. I'm in it to win it."

However, Bloomberg also said that he believed he could only with the primary through a contested convention, a scenario in which no candidate enters the Democratic National Convention this summer with a majority of delegates.

"I don't think I can win any other way," Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into his campaign, spending a significant chunk on national advertisements. Tuesday marks the first time that he will be on the ballot. — Grace Segers and Tim Perry


Sanders votes in Vermont

Bernie Sanders, traveling in a green Subaru, drove himself to his polling place in Burlington, Vermont, accompanied by his wife, Jane Sanders.

"We want to make sure we get at least two votes in Vermont," Sanders said.

By John Nolen and Cara Korte


When do polls close on Super Tuesday?

Here is a breakdown of the states voting on Tuesday and what time polls close:

  • Alabama:  8 p.m. ET

  • Arkansas: 8:30 p.m. ET

  • California: 11 p.m. ET

  • Colorado: 9 p.m. ET

  • Maine: 8 p.m. ET

  • Massachusetts: 8 p.m. ET

  • Minnesota: 9 p.m. ET

  • North Carolina: 7:30 p.m. ET

  • Oklahoma: 8 p.m. ET

  • Tennessee: 8 p.m. ET. Due to tornadoesall polling sites in Nashville will stay open until 9 p.m. ET and five "super sites" will stay open until 11 p.m. ET. 

  • Texas: 8 p.m. ET, except for the two westernmost counties, El Paso and Hudspeth, where polls close at 9 p.m. ET

  • Utah: 10 p.m. ET

  • Vermont: 7 p.m. ET

  • Virginia: 7 p.m. ET 

Voters in American Samoa and Democrats abroad will also cast primary ballots on Super Tuesday.

By Caroline Linton

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