Show Info. - 6/21/17

Daily List: 5 Things to Do This Summer
So it's officially summer, which brings to mind all kinds of things you envision doing -- but how do you choose? On the Daily List this morning, five things to try to fit in this summer!
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Since it was created, the Exosym device has helped thousands of veterans and civilians all over the world, including folks right here in our region.


NASA Countdown To Eclipse
The countdown is on for this summer's highly anticipated solar eclipse happening in just two months. On August 21, 2017, daylight will fade to the level of a moonlit night as millions of Americans experience one of nature's most awe-inspiring shows - a total solar eclipse.

Glamp Out
With the arrival of summer comes camping season! Did you know you can camp just minutes away from downtown???
yes - this weekend pack up the family for a glamp out raise funds local youth!!

Glampout - Camp Out Fundraiser for Outdoor Youth Education
Saturday, June 24th through Sunday, June 25th
Location: Camp Pollock
Adults are $50 each, children 16 and under are free. Parent or Leader participant required.

**Admission will be $60 at the door. Please buy your tickets early so we can plan to bring enough food & drink.

Sacramento Republic
The Sacramento Republic FC is taking the pitch tonight!

Sacramento Republic FC HQ
2421 17th Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
(916) 307-6138

Sacramento Republic FC vs Rio Grande Valley FC Toros
Kickoff is tonight at 8:00 p.m. PDT

Thursday, June 22nd; 5-7 p.m. at Fairytale Town Theater - KIDS ONLY for youth in kindergarten to 8th grades

Summer Ice Skating
It's a great way to stay cool during a triple-digit heat wave: ice skating!!

Skatetown Ice Arena
Daily public skating sessions including summer weekday schedule (Monday thru Friday 10am-5pm)
1009 Orlando Avenue
(916) 783-8550

Job Interview Body Language
Nonverbal cues: what are you really saying during interviews? See how body language can cost you the job!! A local workplace expert from Officeteam reveals what your body language can tell employers and shares tips for putting your best body language forward
Meltdown Summer Treat
It's the first full day of summer so it's okay to have popsicles and ice cream for breakfast right? We're hoping the meltdown will keep us cool on this hot summer day!

Cool off during these triple-digit days with Sacramento's Neighborhood Ice Cream Truck!
It's Match Day!
Sacramento Republic FC vs Rio Grande Valley FC Toros
June 21, 2017; 8:00 p.m. Kickoff

#BringItHome Town Hall Series
Thursday, June 22nd; 5-7 p.m.
Fairytale Town Theater - KIDS ONLY for youth in kindergarten to 8th grades

Habitat for Humanity "Build for Unity"
Home Dedication Event
June 22nd 7:30 pm
1045 Neal Road, Sacramento

You can follow the event on social media using the hashtag #BuildforUnity and find out more information by visiting

Education First
Education First provides life-changing education for global citizens. For over 50 years, their mission has been to give confidence and freedom to people of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds.

Education First Educational Homestay Programs

D.A.R.T. (Drowning Accident Rescue Team) will stage a mock rescue on the Sacramento River to give us a clear idea of what they do to save lives.

Boater Rescue 101
1. Throw a Floatation Device or Rope
2. Get Victim's Attention
3. Be Repetitive
4. Be Specific
5. Do NOT Get Into Water Unless Last Resort

D.A.R.T. Sacramento:
Paddle 4 D.A.R.T. Event:

Roseville Kids Fire Camp
Local kids suit up with Roseville fire! As part of a week-long summer camp, these firefighters in training learn the tools of the trade. Today the kids focus on water safety and handling a fire hose! Great way to cool down as temperatures heat up!
Facebook: @RosevilleFire
Twitter: @RSVL_Fire

Dishin' With Tina: Cattle Rustlers
Cattle Rustlers
7040 Sunrise Blvd.
Citrus Heights
Sacramento Walk of Stars
The Sacramento Walk of Stars will announce its 2017 honorees during a press conference scheduled for Wednesday, June 21 in The Handle District at 1820 L Street.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Media check-in time: 8:45 a.m.
Announcements at 9 a.m.

Open Your Home
Educational homestay program. Text "Host" to 916-300-2947

Manly Minute: 4 Chats All Dads Should Have
Take a respectable approach to topics fathers should take seriously with their sons like mental health, pornography, and how much it'll actually cost them to buy a car. Hawkes' new book, 10 Conversations You Must Have With Your Son, serves as a roadmap for some of these essential chats. Here, he discusses four talks men need to have with their boys more often.
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