Farmington Hills hockey doctor charged in additional sex assault cases

Farmington Hills hockey doctor charged in additional sex assault cases

FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. (AP) — A doctor who police say has spent two decades providing medical assistance to youth hockey teams in Michigan and Minnesota faces 10 more charges of criminal sexual conduct after being accused by patients across Michigan, authorities said Wednesday.

The Farmington Hills Police Department received 33 additional tips about urologist Dr. Zvi Levran following his initial October arrest, Chief Jeff King said, and the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office authorized the 10 additional charges in those cases.

The tips came from local communities including Novi, Livonia, West Bloomfield and Redford, King said. Tips also have come from California, Georgia, North Carolina, Minnesota, Arizona and Canada.

Levran's attorney, Joe Lavigne, has entered not guilty pleas on his client's behalf.

"We're looking forward to defending the charges," he said.

Levran has been in custody since surrendering to police on Nov. 10.

The role of sports doctors and their interactions with athletes have come under scrutiny in recent years.

Former Michigan State University sports doctor Larry Nassar was sentenced in 2018 to 40 to 175 years in prison after admitting to molesting some of the nation's top gymnasts for years under the guise of medical treatment. He was accused of sexually assaulting hundreds of women and girls.

Former University of Michigan athletes, students and others have said they were molested by University of Michigan sports doctor Robert Anderson. Anderson was director of the campus health service and a physician for multiple sports teams, including football. He died in 2008 after working at the university for nearly 40 years.

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