Wayne State Physicist Tries To Prove Michigan-Ohio State Refs Were Wrong

By: Evan Jankens

Stop me if you've heard this one before: Michigan doesn't lose they just run out of time.

Or have you heard this one? Michigan will start broadcasting their games on the History Channel since all they do is talk about the past. Better yet what about this blast: The reason I love Michigan girls is because they don't expect a ring.

I can go on and on with Michigan jokes but I am sick and tired of hearing how Michigan was jobbed in the Ohio State game.

Michigan fell to Ohio State this past Saturday after there was a "controversial" spot when J.T. Barrett rushed for the first down on fourth and one.

After the play was reviewed, the refs awarded Ohio State the first down and the Buckeyes scored a touchdown on the following play to win the ball game. All the ball had to do was touch the 15-yard line and in every replay I have seen, it did exactly that.

Anyway, the Detroit Free Press talked to Bill Llope, a nuclear physicist at Wayne State, who thinks that Barrett was in fact short of the first down.

"Let's say you and someone else are driving in a car," Llope explained. "You are right in front of the speedometer. You see you are going 60. Someone else is in the passenger seat. They will see you going at a slightly slower speed, because of their angle. They see a different answer than someone who is straight on."

Here is the best line in the entire story:

"I thought he was a few inches short," he said. "But again, I'm an alum."

At the end of the day Michigan lost. I know that's very shocking to Michigan fans but it happened just like they lost to Iowa two weeks before that. One thing I do know is that Michigan fans across the country will be rooting for the Washington Huskies and the Clemson Tigers to lose so the Wolverines can manage to get into the College Football Playoffs while losing two of their last three, finishing third in their division and not appearing in the Big Ten Title game Saturday night.

But what do I know, I'm a Michigan State fan.

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