Ted Nugent Announces He'll Run For President ... On One Condition

DETROIT (CBS Detroit) Never one to keep his mouth shut when it comes to presidential politics, rocker Ted Nugent talked to WWJ 950 on the eve of his latest show and weighed in on Republican nominee Donald Trump -- and his own presidential aspirations.

"You know, I don't want to, I thought that more qualified, brighter individuals would step to the fore and I believe that with all his shortcomings, Donald Trump is anything but perfect, but compared to Hillary Clinton he qualifies as Michael the Archangel," Nugent said about whether he supports Trump.

He urged people to demand accountability from our next president, warning a "suicidal spiral into hell" will ensue, if the public does not.

And then he dropped this bomb:

"If we don't get it right this time, I'm going to run, and I know how to fix America, it's so simple it's stupid. The hundred million Americans looking for work or looking at a list of jobs they're not willing to do. You can't do that anymore. If you want to act like a French person, move to France, only productive Americans who earn their own way get to keep the stuff they earn. If you don't earn it, you don't get it," he said.

Nugent has brushed with political controversy several times this year, notably in January when he called for President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to be killed over their alleged wrongdoing during terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

No stranger to inflammatory political statements, the NRA board member wrote — in a pages-long Facebook post — that Clinton and Obama "should be tried for treason & hung" because, Nugent claims, they issued a "stand down" order, denying a military rescue when Islamic militants attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi in 2012.

A month later, he was in hot water again for posting a gun control meme on Facebook saying anti-NRA "punks" are Jewish.

Nugent shared a graphic on his Facebook page Monday titled "So who is really behind gun control?" with thumbnail photos of prominent Jewish Americans, including former Senator Carl Levin, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Senator Chuck Schumer and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

In his day job, Nugent has sold more than 40 million albums, performing 6,500 high-octane live shows, and continuing to set attendance records at venues around the globe.

He'll be playing his 6,556th concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Freedom Hill amphitheater in Sterling Heights.




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