Puppies, yoga mix at Farmington Hills business for unique adoption experience

Puppies and yoga combine at unique adoption experience at Farmington Hills business

(CBS DETROIT) — Ever wanted to try something new, like a fitness class?

A business in Farmington Hills may have a solution: puppy yoga. 

It may look like a typical yoga class, but the downward dog pose takes on a whole new meaning at Pawsitive Stretch.

"Yoga is already great for mental health and joy, and just having the puppies there to interact, it makes the experience more enjoyable," Sharada Sharp, co-owner of Pawsitive Stretch said.

Sharada Sharpe and Katie Schurr are high school art teachers and best friends who started Pawsitive Stretch last year.

It combines their love of yoga and animal rescue.

"When we started this, we didn't realize how many rescues are in Michigan and need help," Sharpe said.

Their business partners with local rescue organizations and travel all over Metro Detroit.

Sunday's class featured puppies from Berley-based rescue No Dogs Left Behind.

"We're foster-based. If we don't have fosters, we can't do this. We cannot save a life without fosters," Nikki Follis, foster for No Dogs Left Behind, said.

That's part of the reason the business model works. Not only do rescues find potential new fosters, but the puppies find forever homes.

"You typically go to yoga to unwind. Throw a couple of puppies in the mix and now you're getting snuggle. It's a win, win," Follis said.

Dozens of animals have been adopted into loving families thanks to Pawsitive Stretch.

"Everyone leaves happy. Everyone leaves smiling and excited," Sharpe said.

Pawsitive Stretch also has kitten yoga classes. 

Advanced registration is required and organizers say classes fill up quickly.

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