Matt Stutzman, The 'Armless Archer' Hits Cheez-it At 100 Yards
100 yards doesn't seem very far until you try to see a Cheez-it from that distance. It looks freakin' impossible to hit with a bow and arrow.
That's exactly what Matt Stutzman did. If that's not incredible enough -- he did it without arms. Stutzman is member of the US Paralympic Archery Team. He took home silver in 2012 and is the world record holder for the longest accurate shot in archery.
In a YouTube video posted to his Armless Archer channel, wearing a Pringles shirt, he accepts a challenge from Kellogg to attempt the feat. Kellogg owns Cheez-it and Pringles brands. If Stutzman doesn't get a lifetime supply of both snacks -- it's a shame.
Stutzman positions a Cheez-it on the foam target. There's an "S" on the cracker. He jokes that it's a special super small Cheez-it sent from Kellogg. Hey funny guy, they're Scrabble edition crackers.
With wind whipping the camera's microphone he takes a seat to attempt the shot. After three near misses he grabs a few Cheez-its for what he calls "aiming fuel for athletes who want to be on their game". Tossing a cracker in the air with his feet and catching it in his mouth is just a bonus talent in Stutzman's video.
Bingo! He hits the cracker on the fourth attempt.
Now I really want some Cheez-its ... or maybe some Pringles.