Fast Lane - The Flash

THE FLASH - Tuesday, February 2nd at 8pm on CW50 - WALLY FLIRTS WITH DANGER — Barry (Grant Gustin) teams up with Wells (Tom Cavanagh) to figure out a way to close the breaches, but they are distracted by a meta-human nicknamed Tar Pit (guest star Marco Grazzini) who can transform into liquid asphalt. Iris (Candice Patton) is concerned for Wally's (Keiynan Lonsdale) safety after she finds out about his drag racing hobby. When he refuses to stop she makes a bold move that puts her in danger. Rachel Talalay directed the episode with story by Brooke Eikmeier and teleplay by Kai Yu Wu & Joe Peracchio (#212). Original airdate 2/2/2016.

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